Wednesday, March 19, 2025

Official Opening

en-tech.Stage 19 March | 9.45  AM

IHK conference: AI in the company - how it works

Seminar Room 2nd Floor
19 March | 9.00 AM – 2.00 PM

Spring conference of the SPECTARIS Security & Defense specialist group

Seminar Room 2nd Floor
19 March | 1.00 – 5.00 PM

TeamMit Automotive
Network meeting

Meeting point foyer 19 March | 1.45 – 6.00 PM

Booth Tour for Young Talents at W3+Fair

Campus Area S1

19th March | 2.15 – 4.30 PM

Business Angels
Start-up Matching

Loge 2nd Floor

19 March | 3 – 5 PM

Thursday, March 20, 2025

EPIC C-Level Breakfast
+ EPIC TechWatch

en-tech.stage 20. March | 8.30 AM + 10.00 – 11.30 AM

VDI symposium
Collaborative robotics
AI you can touch

Seminar room 2nd floor
20 March | 10.00 AM – 4.30 PM

network Breakfast
& guided tour

VDI Innovation Area

20 March | 10.00 AM – 12.00 PM

Network Event

Loge  2nd Floor 20 March | 11.00 AM – 2.00 PM

AI day
workshop with efec

Seminar room 2nd floor 20 March| 9.30 AM – 3.00 PM

LifeScience - Future opportunities for Central Hessen

Meeting point en-tech.Stage March 20 | 12.45 – 3.00 pm

Special Areas

IHK Hessen innovative


Joint Booth


Program Wednesday, 19 March 2025

Official opening

19 March | en-tech.Stage

9.45 am

We look forward to the opening round with our guests.
This will be followed by a business and press tour.

12th UPOB Workshop 2024
Asphere Metrology

12 + 13 March | Seminar Room 2nd Floor 12 March | 12.30 – 5.30 PM 13 March | 8.30 AM – 12.30 PM For the second time, the Competence Centre for Ultra-Precise Surface Processing UPOB is organising a top-class expert workshop to accompany the W3+ Fair in Wetzlar: In order to manufacture ultra-precise and high-tech optical components and to be capable of further miniaturization, reliable and extremely precise measurement technology is required. In the field of asphere metrology, many new advancements were achieved, new measurement procedures were developed and precision was noticeably improved. Benefit from the latest insights! The workshop is structured into the following 3 sessions:
  • Assembly of Optical Systems
  • Free-Form and Space Optics
  • Measurements on current HLEM samples
There is a charge for participation! The workshop will be held in English.

IHK conference: AI in the company - how it works

19 March | Seminar Room 2nd Floor
9.00 AM – 2.30 PM | Admission from 8.00 AM

Artificial intelligence (AI) offers companies – especially SMEs – enormous opportunities for growth and innovation. The use of AI can not only increase product quality and productivity, but also create personalized sales experiences.
sales experiences can be created.

At the IHK Lahn-Dill and IHK Hessen innovativ conference, competence centers and service providers will be presented who will use practical examples to show how companies can benefit from the use of AI and which experts can provide assistance.

The conference will be held in German and is subject to a charge.
Tickets are available directly from the W3+ Fair Ticketshop.



Spring conference of the SPECTARIS Security & Defense specialist group

Seminar Room 2nd Floor

19 March | 13.00 – 17.00 PM

In 2024, the SPECTARIS Security & Defense specialist group was newly formed. It brings together leading German companies from the fields of optics, lasers and optoelectronics that develop and manufacture specialized components and systems for the security and defence industry.

The spring conference in Wetzlar marks the first face-to-face meeting of the specialist group. A varied program offers insights into the activities of the member companies and is dedicated to current topics along the procurement and user side. The focus will be on exchange and networking. You will find the program on the event page from January 2025.

Interested guests are cordially invited to take part in this half-day event. Participation is free of charge and includes access to the W3+ Fair exhibition.

Please register for the conference. Tickets are available from SPECTARIS.


Hessen in Space
Panel Discussion & Get-together

13 March 1.30 PM | Panel Discussion | en-tech.Stage <br< 2.30 PM | Get-together | Foyer Aerospace in Hessen – ESOC and EUMETSAT in Darmstadt immediately spring to mind. Hessen has much more to offer in the space sector: around 50 university chairs and professorships deal with space-related topics, and over 100 companies in Hessen – most of them SMEs – develop and produce or provide space-related services. <p< As part of a panel discussion on 13 March, Prof. Dr Peter Klar (JLU), Dr Henrike Jakob (TU DA), Emre Dinler (Harmonic Drive), Dr. Thomas Reiter (former ESA-Astronaut) and the Space Coordinator of the Hessian State Government Prof. Dr Johann-Dietrich Wörner will discuss Hesse’s activities in the space sector and highlight the range of players involved. The subsequent get-together will provide an opportunity for personal dialogue with the panellists and the Head of the Office of the Space Coordinator of the Hessian State Government, Sabine S. Groth. Become part of the space network in Hessen – for new contacts and new business! The event will be held in German – Please register for the get-together in the ticket shop!

in the nele.ai Lounge

13 + 14 March 10 AM – 4.30 PM | Foyer High-quality AI consulting at the W3+ Fair – discovering potential supported by nele.ai At this year’s W3+ Fair in Wetzlar nele.ai opens the doors to the future and offers personalised advice in the KI-Lounge directly in the foyer with 3 AI experts. Take advantage of this unique opportunity to a free expert discussion in the exclusive setting of our KI-Lounge in the foyer. The AI specialists from nele.ai offer you customised insights into how artificial intelligence can revolutionise your business processes. From individual process analyses to general know-how know-how on increasing productivity through AI technology – the experts will equip you for the digital digital tomorrow. We know that every minute of your time is valuable, which is why our counselling slots are designed for 20 intensive minutes. Concise, to the point and tailored to your needs, you will gain insight into customised AI solutions to drive your business forward. Don’t miss your opportunity to gain this competitive advantage. The window of opportunity at the W3+ Fair are closing fast, as places for AI consulting are limited. Secure your free consultation appointment now and get started in the era of increased efficiency through AI.

Fusion energy - a topic for the future

13 March 2.30 PM | Lecture Block „Fusion Energy supply chain challenges in Germany“ | en-tech.Stage 4.00 PM | Discussion Round „Heraeus Fusion Coffee“ | Foyer Everyone is talking about fusion energy as the CO2-neutral energy of the future. On the recommendation of a commission of experts, the BMBF published a position paper in June 2023 and is working on comprehensive research funding. Several companies are vying for the best technology. But what are the requirements for the supply chain? Moderated by Dr. Frank Nürnberg from Heraeus Quarzglas, the pioneers of fusion research will present their ideas, requirements and challenges in implementation. It’s all about optics, photonics, lasers, electronics, mechanics, logistics, infrastructure, vacuum, clean room technology and, of course, talent. Discuss with the experts after the lecture block at the “Heraeus Fusion Coffee” in the foyer. Moderation: Dr. Frank Nürnberg/ Heraeus Quarzglas Please register for the get-together in the ticket store!

TeamMit Live
Automotive Network Meeting

19 March | Meeting point Foyer
1.45 – 6.00 PM

Meeting of the TeamMit Automotive Network – open to interested parties
Tour, presentations, workshops and networking

The automotive and supplier industry is undergoing fundamental change. In order to accompany this change, numerous partners have come together in Central Hessen to develop a regional transformation strategy and a network for the automotive and supplier industry. The BMWK-funded “TeamMit” project was launched at the end of 2022.

The second “TeamMit Live – Network Meeting” will take place this year on the 2nd day of the W3+ trade fair. The future of the automotive industry is inconceivable without innovations in optics, photonics, electronics and mechanics. At the same time, these industries have faced similar transformation challenges in the past and met them with a strong network.

Content of the event:

  • 1.45 p.m. – Welcome | Meeting point in the foyer of the Buderus Arena
  • 2.00 p.m. – Start of the trade fair tour
  • 3.00 p.m. – Time for a personal tour/networking
  • 4.00 p.m. – From economic slump to growth opportunity: Transformation through diversification and innovation – Lecture and panel | en-tech stage in the hall
  • 5.15 p.m. – Conclusion & networking at the W3+ Fair After Work Drink in front of the stage

The event is aimed at: People from companies, universities and educational institutions as well as institutions that are active or would like to become active in the automotive industry.

The network meeting will be held in German and is free of charge.
Tickets are available directly from the W3+ Fair Ticketshop.

Business Angels Mittelhessen
Start-up Matching

March 19 | Seminar room 2nd floor
3 – 5 pm

The Business Angels Mittelhessen invite you to the Start-up Matching Event as part of the W3+ Fair.
Get in touch with innovative start-ups, investors and technology companies. Visit the exhibition area of the fair and then the matching event in separate rooms of the Buderus Arena.

Startup 1: Creation of complete modernization roadmaps for homeowners and procurement of the necessary trades
Startup 2: Software-as-a-Service solution for automated work preparation and programming of CNC machines for the metal industry
Startup 3: Novel high-performance springs made of fiber-plastic composites: up to 80% less weight, corrosion-free & noise-insulating
Startup 4: AI-supported documentation aid for doctors that combines real-time speech recognition with medical decision support
Startup 5: Digital platform for the automation of return logistics & recycling. Reduces costs & increases traceability

The Start-up Matching will be held in German and is free of charge.
Registration is requested.

EPIC C-Level Breakfast
+ EPIC TechWatch

March 19 | 2.15 – 4.30 p.m.
Meeting point Campus Area Stand

EPIC organizes a guided tour for students. During this tour, participants have the opportunity to get to know the technology and culture of various companies at first hand. Who knows? Your future career path could start here!

Guided tours for students:
14:15 – Reception at the Campus Area Stand
14:30 – 15.45 – Guided tours in German and English by EPIC & THM International Office
16:00 – Time for a personal tour/networking
17:15 – Invitation to an after-work drink with exhibitors and speakers

The guided tours are free of charge. Registration is requested.


C-Level Networking

hosted by Wetzlar Network, OptecNet Deutschland, Spectaris & Photonics Germany 13 March 5.00 – 6.00 PM | Exklusive C-Level Networking | Foyer With exhibitors, partners, speakers and guests powered by Innovation Booster Photonics/ Swissmem For invited guests. Registration is requested!

Program Thursday, 20 March 2025

EPIC C-Level Breakfast
+ EPIC TechWatch

March 20
EPIC C-Level Breakfast | From 8.30 a.m. for invited guests
EPIC TechWatch | 10.00 – 11.30 a.m. | en-tech.Stage

Selected members of the European Photonics Industry Consortium EPIC will formulate their needs from a user perspective. There will also be the latest technology and market trends.

The EPIC TechWatch will be held in English and is free of charge.

VDI symposium
Collaborative robotics AI you can touch

20 March | Seminar room 2nd floor

10 a.m. – 4.30 p.m.

The VDI Hessen, together with the VDE Rhein-Main and IHK Hessen innovativ, is organizing the Collaborative Robotics symposium on the topic “AI to touch – Cobot meets human”.

Cobots (collaborative robots) have developed rapidly in recent years. For medium-sized production companies in particular, they have the advantage that they can be used in interaction with humans. In times of a shortage of skilled workers, cobots can be an ideal complement to their human colleagues.

Artificial intelligence (AI), in turn, is one of the prerequisites for making cobots “human-friendly” and equipping them with sufficient intelligence of their own. In the past, humans had to adapt to the machine, but with cobots it’s the other way around: the machine adapts to the human.

Experience an exciting day with presentations from renowned manufacturers and experts from research institutions, including a panel discussion on the topic of “AI and safety”.

The conference will be held in German and is subject to a charge.
Tickets are available directly from the W3+ Fair Ticketshop.

VDI Innovation Area + networking breakfast
+ tour of the trade fair

20 March | VDI Innovation Area | Booth S2

10.00 – 11.00 a.m. | Network breakfast
11.00 – 12.00 a.m. | Guided tour of the trade fair

Find out about the latest developments at the VDI.
Network with our VDI members and supporting members, cooperation partners and interested guests.
Get into conversation over breakfast and exchange ideas on the topics of robotics, 3D printing, virtual reality and artificial intelligence (AI).

The guided tour of the trade fair to selected exhibitors will take place afterwards.

Registration is requested.

BME Buyer Network Event

March 20 | Loge 2.OG

11:00 a.m. Get-together | Make new contacts or meet your purchasing colleagues at the cozy coffee talk of the BME region Lahn-Dill.
Closed event of the BME.

11:30 a.m. Exclusive tour of the W3+ Fair to selected exhibitors and special areas
12:00 p.m. BME Keynote | AI in Purchasing: Challenges and Opportunities for Sales.
Location: en-tech.Stage
Achim Rink | Partner | advacon
12:15 p.m. BME keynote| Insight into the procurement of fan merchandise at Eintracht Frankfurt
Location: en-tech.Stage
Martin Schittko | Director Merchandising | Eintracht Frankfurt
from 12:30 p.m. Lunch together and exclusive Q&A session with the two keynote speakers

Registration is requested.

Eintracht Frankfurt

AI day workshop by efec

20 March | Loge 2.OG

9.30 – 12.00 a.m. &
1.00 – 3.30 p.m.

In one day, we will teach you everything you need to get started in the world of generative AI.
We teach the most important terms and procedures step by step, always with reference to implementation in the company. By the end of the workshop, you will have internalized the key concepts and will be able to plan the next steps for yourself and start implementing what you have learned.


  • Introduction to AI: definition and how it works
  • Prompts: An essential component of AI technology
  • Large Language Models: Which model for which purpose? What do I need to know?
  • Chats / assistants / agents
  • Data protection: How can AI and data protection be reconciled?
  • Image creation with AI


  • Working with corporate knowledge: RAG and knowledge bases
  • B2B use cases & B2B tools: How AI can be used in different industries and how – companies can benefit from it?
  • Application examples: Email automation, chatbot, process integration, AI rollout in the company
  • Discussion and Application scenarios of the participants

The AI workshop will be held in German and is subject to a fee.
Tickets are available directly from the W3+ Fair Ticketshop.


LifeScience - future opportunities for Central Hessen

20 March | Meeting point en-tech.Stage open for interested parties
12.45 – 15.00

Presentations and networking: “LifeScience – Future opportunities for Central Hessen” – powered by VDI Hessen & Regionalmanagement Mittelhessen

Education, research, business: Numerous scientific institutions conduct cutting-edge research in Central Hessen. At the same time, internationally successful healthcare and life science companies develop and produce important medical products and medicines here. In order to bundle this top-class profile and make it better known, the Regional Management Mittelhessen has launched the Healthcare Mittelhessen portal.

The VDI initiative “Future Germany 2050” has identified the healthcare industry as a key sector for Germany’s future viability. At the same time, many W3+ Fair exhibitors offer products and services that are necessary in medical technology and life sciences. On the 2nd day of the fair, the Regional Management Mittelhessen and the VDI Hessen invite you to a lecture program and discussion followed by an open get-together. Members and interested parties are invited. Simply click on the free additional ticket in the ticket store.

Schedule of the event:

  • 12.45 p.m. – Meeting point at the en-tech.stage and welcome
  • 1 p.m. – Keynote speeches and discussion about life science projects from companies and universities – powered by VDI & Regionalmanagement Mittelhessen | en-tech.Stage in the hall
  • 2.30 p.m. – Get-together and time for a personal tour of the trade fair

The event is aimed at people from companies, universities and educational institutions as well as institutions that are active in the life science industry or would like to become active.

The event will be held in German and is free of charge.
Registration is requested.



Special Areas

IHK Hessen innovative

The special area of IHK Hessen innovativ – in cooperation with IHK Lahn-Dill, IHK Gießen-Friedberg, IHK Darmstadt Rhein Main Neckar, IHK Offenbach am Main and IHK Kassel-Marburg. With innovative cooperation partners on the topics:
  • ZuKIPro – Future Center for AI Hessen
  • KOMPAKI – Competence Center for Work and Artificial Intelligence GERMAN TECH
  • Design to Business
  • Cera-3D – Keramik + 3D-Druck
Network with the experts and consultants of the IHK! Here you will receive support in the implementation of your innovation projects and information on funding opportunities.

Campus Area

Leading universities present themselves at the Campus Area and show examples of their current research work.


The spectrum presented by the companies ranges from components and assemblies with precision requirements to equipment and services for development, production, in particular clean room environments, processing and surface finishing.
Thuringian companies are looking forward to a professional exchange at their joint stand.

Enterprise Europe Network

Enterprise Europe Network – the world’s largest support network for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) with international ambitions presents itself at the partner stand in the foyer with cooperation offers.

The Enterprise Europe Network supports you in opening up new target markets, finding international cooperation partners and networking internationally. The Enterprise Europe Network has an overview of financing and funding opportunities and helps you to make your company more sustainable and resilient.

Jobwall powered by EPIC

The job wall offers exciting positions for graduates and job seekers with work experience.

Sign up for the W3+ Fair newsletter!

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