Partners & Sponsors Jena 2024

Gold Partner


OptoNet puts PHOTONICS in the spotlight and represents the interests of 116 players from industry and research. In this way, OptoNet successfully strengthens the high-tech industry in the heart of Germany internationally.


EPIC is the industry association that promotes the sustainable development of European photonics companies.

Silver Partner

OptecNet Deutschland e.V.

OptecNet Deutschland e.V. is the association of nine regional networks in the field of optical technologies in Germany at national level. Together we support supra-regional and international activities such as international cooperation, technology transfer and innovation promotion, promotion of young talent and Germany-wide public relations work.


The alliance of the photonics associations SPECTARIS e.V. and OptecNet Deutschland e.V.

Tridelta Campus Hermsdorf

For generations, Hermsdorfer Industriekeramik has stood for internationally recognized brands and products such as surge arresters, ferrite products, microelectronics and hybrid technology. Under the sign of the tri-delta bell, the success story of high-tech ceramics for industrial applications began more than 100 years ago.


SpectroNet is a solution provider for the organisation of national and international collaborations between companies and research institutions for the development and application of photonic and machine vision for quality assurance in industry and beyond. SpectroNet currently networks more than 60 partners from the USA, Canada, China, Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Great Britain, France, the Netherlands and Denmark.


For over 20 years, the industry association medways has been utilising the power of its network – now 94 members strong – to bring innovative ideas in medical technology and biotechnology from Thuringia “to the patient”.

Thüringer ClusterManagement

The Thuringian Cluster Management (ThCM) supports companies, research and science institutions from Thuringia to work together better and drive joint innovations.


The industry association promotes the interests of its 400 member companies in the innovation sectors of ophthalmic optics, photonics, analytical and medical technology.


At IVAM, people meet who are passionate about key technologies and the way these technologies shape our lives and our future.

Thüringer Zentrum für Maschinenbau

The Thuringian Center for Mechanical Engineering (ThZM) is an innovation center for companies in the manufacturing and processing industry in Thuringia.


SpectroNet is a solution provider for the organisation of national and international collaborations between companies and research institutions for the development and application of photonic and machine vision for quality assurance in industry and beyond. SpectroNet currently networks more than 60 partners from the USA, Canada, China, Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Great Britain, France, the Netherlands and Denmark.

Metropolregion Mitteldeutschland

Metropolregion Mitteldeutschland

Bronze Partner

Gold Sponsor 2023

Silver Sponsor

Bronze Sponsor

In-Kind Sponsoring




After Work Drink

Campus Area

Coffee Area

After Work Drink


Media Partner 2024


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