Welcome on board!
We´re pleased to announce our recent bookings from CSEM, Vangraph Handelsgesellschaft, PI Germany – Physik Instrumente (PI) GmbH & Co. KG, Mersen and Schaefer Technologie GmbH.
Dr Samantha Paoletti from CSEM (Swiss Centre for Electronics and Mictrotechnology) will be one of the keynote spaekers at the established conference “Precision Photonic Systems” of the University of Applied Sciences of Eastern Switzerland OST – Ostschweizer Fachhochschule, which is docked at the W3+ Fair Rhine Valley this year.
Dr Samantha Paoletti works as a life science technologies business development manager. She is a cell biologist focusing on supporting the industrial sector with regard to miniature biosensors, fluidics and cell interface.
Further top speakers from ZEISS Group, SUSS MicroOptics and Fraunhofer IZM Berlin will give lectures on future-oriented fields of application.
Even more know-how – even more contacts.
Save the date: 30 Nov + 01 Dec 2022 in Dornbirn (D/A/CH/Li)