New “Precisioner” from ITK: TP linear microscope stage for maximum imaging efficiency

Frankfurt / Wetzlar, 

ITK is presenting the new TP microscope stage from the TargetPrecisioner® product family at the W3+ Fair in Wetzlar in order to meet the ever-increasing demands for faster, more accurate, more precise and more efficient microscopes.

The new TP microscope stage has a variety of features to increase performance and accuracy in imaging. The high-quality Andromeda control system for precise movement control and integration into existing workflows makes a significant contribution to maximizing functionality. The multi-axis capability for currently up to 6 axes simplifies integration into the automated laboratory environment. Further flexibility is provided by new software and hardware interfaces (e.g. EtherCat) for controlling handling devices. The higher controller frequency ensures the desired dynamics.

The motorized microscope stage is a perfect choice for complex and repeatable tasks, partly due to its high level of user-friendliness. The 20 kHz software trigger ensures precise positioning with improved spatial resolution in imaging applications – ideal for automated processes and applications that require high reproducibility. For users who prefer direct and intuitive control, the TP microscope stage still offers manual Multiwheel operation with fine adjustment in all directions. Software extensions for customer-specific applications are available on request.


The new TP microscope stage can be seen at the W3+ Fair on March 19/20, 2025 in Wetzlar, booth D15

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