en-tech.talks Jena 2023


Photonics in Thuringia

Powered by OptoNet e.V. – Photoniknetzwerk Thüringen

Moderation: Anke Siegmeier, OptoNet e.V.


Disruptive Innovations Made in Germany

Powered by Thinkmade Engineering & Consulting
Moderation: Dr. Ruth Houbertz, Thinkmade Engineering & Consulting

Hightech in Miteldeutschland

Powered by OptoNet
Moderation: Anke Siegmeier, OptoNet e.V.

EPIC TechWatch

Powered by EPIC – European Photonics Industry Consortium

Moderation: Ulrike Helfferich, EPIC

Photonics & Microtechnology

Powered by IVAM – Fachverband für Mikrotechnik

Moderation: Dr.Thomas Dietrich, IVAM e.V. Fachverband für Mikrotechnik

Hightech-Trends/Medical Technology

Powered by medways e.V.
Moderation: Dr. Eike Dazert, medways e. V.

Optical Components & Industrial Applications

Moderation: Paul-Gerald Dittrich, SpectroNet c/o Technologie- und Innovationspark Jena GmbH

Life Science Talk

News and offers from the MedTech and BioTech industry Powered by medways on 30 November from 2.00 – 5.00 PM medways e.V. invites to professional exchange and networking within the framework of the W3+ Fair. Our network members offer diverse services and technological competencies in software validation, regulatory affairs, biocompatibility testing, start-up support, business development and financing. You have a high demand for qualified suppliers from different sectors. Maybe you want to establish in the life science sector or get closer to new potential cooperation partners? Discover the opportunities in the MedTech and BioTech sector and learn more about the requirements and regulatory framework. We look forward to welcoming you to our workshop!
Mittwoch, 29. November 2023
array(29) { ["presentation_id"]=> string(4) "3823" ["stage_id"]=> string(3) "394" ["event_id"]=> string(9) "290742023" ["event_location"]=> string(7) "Wetzlar" ["presentation_type_id"]=> string(3) "270" ["presentation_type_name"]=> string(12) "en-tech.talk" ["presentation_type_visible"]=> bool(true) ["main_topic_id"]=> NULL ["main_topic_name"]=> NULL ["main_topic_color"]=> string(0) "" ["subevent_id"]=> NULL ["subevent_name"]=> NULL ["topic"]=> string(44) "Offizielle Eröffnung der W3+ Fair Jena 2023" ["language"]=> string(2) "de" ["date"]=> string(10) "2023-11-29" ["time_start"]=> string(5) "09:45" ["time_end"]=> string(5) "10:30" ["subtitle"]=> string(110) "mit dem Ministerpräsidenten von Thüringen Bodo Ramelow & dem Oberbürgermeister von Jena Dr. Thomas Nitzsche" ["abstract"]=> string(0) "" ["abbr"]=> string(0) "" ["stage_name"]=> string(13) "en-tech Stage" ["presentation_booking_mode"]=> string(8) "optional" ["is_premium"]=> string(1) "0" ["is_top_keynote"]=> string(1) "0" ["preferences"]=> array(0) { } ["image_url"]=> string(64) "https://portal.fleet-events.de/de/uploads?path=sessions/3823.jpg" ["image_last_update"]=> int(1697462324) ["sold_out"]=> bool(false) ["booked_percent"]=> int(0) }
09:45—10:30 Uhr
en-tech Stage
Offizielle Eröffnung der W3+ Fair Jena 2023
mit dem Ministerpräsidenten von Thüringen Bodo Ramelow & dem Oberbürgermeister von Jena Dr. Thomas Nitzsche
array(29) { ["presentation_id"]=> string(4) "4121" ["stage_id"]=> string(3) "394" ["event_id"]=> string(9) "290742023" ["event_location"]=> string(7) "Wetzlar" ["presentation_type_id"]=> string(3) "270" ["presentation_type_name"]=> string(12) "en-tech.talk" ["presentation_type_visible"]=> bool(true) ["main_topic_id"]=> NULL ["main_topic_name"]=> NULL ["main_topic_color"]=> string(0) "" ["subevent_id"]=> NULL ["subevent_name"]=> NULL ["topic"]=> string(78) "Wirtschaftsrundgang mit der Politik, Wirtschaft, Verbänden & Pressevertretern" ["language"]=> string(2) "de" ["date"]=> string(10) "2023-11-29" ["time_start"]=> string(5) "10:30" ["time_end"]=> string(5) "11:00" ["subtitle"]=> string(53) "geführt von Jörg Brück, Project Director W3+ Fair " ["abstract"]=> string(0) "" ["abbr"]=> string(0) "" ["stage_name"]=> string(13) "en-tech Stage" ["presentation_booking_mode"]=> string(8) "optional" ["is_premium"]=> string(1) "0" ["is_top_keynote"]=> string(1) "0" ["preferences"]=> array(0) { } ["image_url"]=> string(64) "https://portal.fleet-events.de/de/uploads?path=sessions/4121.jpg" ["image_last_update"]=> int(1697462837) ["sold_out"]=> bool(false) ["booked_percent"]=> int(0) }
10:30—11:00 Uhr
en-tech Stage
Wirtschaftsrundgang mit der Politik, Wirtschaft, Verbänden & Pressevertretern
geführt von Jörg Brück, Project Director W3+ Fair
array(30) { ["presentation_id"]=> string(4) "3665" ["stage_id"]=> string(3) "394" ["event_id"]=> string(9) "290742023" ["event_location"]=> string(7) "Wetzlar" ["presentation_type_id"]=> string(3) "270" ["presentation_type_name"]=> string(12) "en-tech.talk" ["presentation_type_visible"]=> bool(true) ["main_topic_id"]=> string(3) "358" ["main_topic_name"]=> string(22) "Photonik in Thüringen" ["main_topic_color"]=> string(0) "" ["subevent_id"]=> NULL ["subevent_name"]=> NULL ["topic"]=> string(100) "Von Quantencomputern bis Mixed Reality - die Photonik ermöglicht die Digitalisierung unserer Welt. " ["language"]=> string(2) "de" ["date"]=> string(10) "2023-11-29" ["time_start"]=> string(5) "11:00" ["time_end"]=> string(5) "11:20" ["subtitle"]=> string(0) "" ["abstract"]=> string(576) "Enabling the amazing. Unsere Vision ist eine strahlende Zukunft mit der Kraft des Lichts. Jenoptik hat den Anspruch, die nächste Stufe der Digitalisierung durch photonische Innovationen zu den Menschen zu bringen. Mit einer Reihe von hochinnovativen photonikbasierten Lösungen in den Bereichen Hochleistungsoptik, Mikrooptik für Halbleiterausrüstungen sowie innovativen Test- und Messsystemen tragen wir zur Verbesserung der digitalen Infrastruktur bei, die wir alle täglich nutzen. Dr. Stefan Traeger wird die neuesten photonischen Entwicklungen der Jenoptik beleuchten." ["abbr"]=> string(0) "" ["stage_name"]=> string(13) "en-tech Stage" ["presentation_booking_mode"]=> string(8) "optional" ["is_premium"]=> string(1) "0" ["is_top_keynote"]=> string(1) "0" ["preferences"]=> array(0) { } ["image_url"]=> string(64) "https://portal.fleet-events.de/de/uploads?path=sessions/3665.jpg" ["image_last_update"]=> int(1699257620) ["sold_out"]=> bool(false) ["booked_percent"]=> int(0) ["speakers"]=> array(1) { [0]=> array(16) { ["speaker_id"]=> string(4) "1943" ["company"]=> string(11) "JENOPTIK AG" ["title"]=> string(3) "Dr." ["firstname"]=> string(6) "Stefan" ["lastname"]=> string(7) "Traeger" ["jobtitle"]=> string(23) "Chief Executive Officer" ["email"]=> string(24) "exhibitions@jenoptik.com" ["is_top_speaker"]=> int(0) ["highlight_speaker"]=> string(1) "0" ["photo_url"]=> string(70) "https://portal.fleet-events.de/de/uploads?path=1943/profile_xircus.jpg" ["photo_last_update"]=> int(1693471211) ["photo_special_url"]=> string(0) "" ["photo_special_last_update"]=> bool(false) ["photo_credits"]=> string(0) "" ["sort_order"]=> NULL ["sort_char"]=> string(1) "T" } } }
Photonik in Thüringen
11:00—11:20 Uhr
en-tech Stage
Stefan Traeger
Von Quantencomputern bis Mixed Reality - die Photonik ermöglicht die Digitalisierung unserer Welt.

Dr. Stefan Traeger
Chief Executive Officer, JENOPTIK AG

Enabling the amazing. Unsere Vision ist eine strahlende Zukunft mit der Kraft des Lichts. Jenoptik hat den Anspruch, die nächste Stufe der Digitalisierung durch photonische Innovationen zu den Menschen zu bringen. Mit einer Reihe von hochinnovativen photonikbasierten Lösungen in den Bereichen Hochleistungsoptik, Mikrooptik für Halbleiterausrüstungen sowie innovativen Test- und Messsystemen tragen wir zur Verbesserung der digitalen Infrastruktur bei, die wir alle täglich nutzen. Dr. Stefan Traeger wird die neuesten photonischen Entwicklungen der Jenoptik beleuchten.
array(30) { ["presentation_id"]=> string(4) "3664" ["stage_id"]=> string(3) "394" ["event_id"]=> string(9) "290742023" ["event_location"]=> string(7) "Wetzlar" ["presentation_type_id"]=> string(3) "270" ["presentation_type_name"]=> string(12) "en-tech.talk" ["presentation_type_visible"]=> bool(true) ["main_topic_id"]=> string(3) "358" ["main_topic_name"]=> string(22) "Photonik in Thüringen" ["main_topic_color"]=> string(0) "" ["subevent_id"]=> NULL ["subevent_name"]=> NULL ["topic"]=> string(107) "The smaller the BIGGER – further shrink in nano lithography comes with immense technical effort in optics" ["language"]=> string(2) "de" ["date"]=> string(10) "2023-11-29" ["time_start"]=> string(5) "11:20" ["time_end"]=> string(5) "11:40" ["subtitle"]=> string(0) "" ["abstract"]=> string(0) "" ["abbr"]=> string(0) "" ["stage_name"]=> string(13) "en-tech Stage" ["presentation_booking_mode"]=> string(8) "optional" ["is_premium"]=> string(1) "0" ["is_top_keynote"]=> string(1) "0" ["preferences"]=> array(0) { } ["image_url"]=> string(64) "https://portal.fleet-events.de/de/uploads?path=sessions/3664.jpg" ["image_last_update"]=> int(1693466078) ["sold_out"]=> bool(false) ["booked_percent"]=> int(0) ["speakers"]=> array(1) { [0]=> array(16) { ["speaker_id"]=> string(4) "1863" ["company"]=> string(19) "Carl Zeiss SMT GmbH" ["title"]=> string(3) "Dr." ["firstname"]=> string(9) "Christoph" ["lastname"]=> string(6) "Zaczek" ["jobtitle"]=> string(57) "Prozesstechnologie (SMT-EP), ZEISS Expert Ladder - Fellow" ["email"]=> string(26) "christoph.zaczek@zeiss.com" ["is_top_speaker"]=> int(0) ["highlight_speaker"]=> string(1) "0" ["photo_url"]=> string(70) "https://portal.fleet-events.de/de/uploads?path=1863/profile_xircus.jpg" ["photo_last_update"]=> int(1700215863) ["photo_special_url"]=> string(0) "" ["photo_special_last_update"]=> bool(false) ["photo_credits"]=> string(0) "" ["sort_order"]=> NULL ["sort_char"]=> string(1) "Z" } } }
Photonik in Thüringen
11:20—11:40 Uhr
en-tech Stage
Christoph Zaczek
The smaller the BIGGER – further shrink in nano lithography comes with immense technical effort in optics

Dr. Christoph Zaczek
Prozesstechnologie (SMT-EP), ZEISS Expert Ladder - Fellow, Carl Zeiss SMT GmbH

array(30) { ["presentation_id"]=> string(4) "3663" ["stage_id"]=> string(3) "394" ["event_id"]=> string(9) "290742023" ["event_location"]=> string(7) "Wetzlar" ["presentation_type_id"]=> string(3) "270" ["presentation_type_name"]=> string(12) "en-tech.talk" ["presentation_type_visible"]=> bool(true) ["main_topic_id"]=> string(3) "358" ["main_topic_name"]=> string(22) "Photonik in Thüringen" ["main_topic_color"]=> string(0) "" ["subevent_id"]=> NULL ["subevent_name"]=> NULL ["topic"]=> string(56) "Recent Developments in Measurement and Metrology at ASML" ["language"]=> string(2) "en" ["date"]=> string(10) "2023-11-29" ["time_start"]=> string(5) "11:40" ["time_end"]=> string(5) "12:00" ["subtitle"]=> string(0) "" ["abstract"]=> string(226) "We will give an update on recent developments in Measurement and Metrology that are in focus for ASML's Research activities. These developments will be pictured in the wider view of developments in the semiconductor landscape." ["abbr"]=> string(0) "" ["stage_name"]=> string(13) "en-tech Stage" ["presentation_booking_mode"]=> string(8) "optional" ["is_premium"]=> string(1) "0" ["is_top_keynote"]=> string(1) "0" ["preferences"]=> array(0) { } ["image_url"]=> string(64) "https://portal.fleet-events.de/de/uploads?path=sessions/3663.jpg" ["image_last_update"]=> int(1693466111) ["sold_out"]=> bool(false) ["booked_percent"]=> int(0) ["speakers"]=> array(1) { [0]=> array(16) { ["speaker_id"]=> string(4) "1941" ["company"]=> string(4) "ASML" ["title"]=> string(3) "Dr." ["firstname"]=> string(7) "Maarten" ["lastname"]=> string(7) "Voncken" ["jobtitle"]=> string(27) "Director Research Metrology" ["email"]=> string(24) "maarten.voncken@asml.com" ["is_top_speaker"]=> int(0) ["highlight_speaker"]=> string(1) "0" ["photo_url"]=> string(70) "https://portal.fleet-events.de/de/uploads?path=1941/profile_xircus.jpg" ["photo_last_update"]=> int(1693474463) ["photo_special_url"]=> string(0) "" ["photo_special_last_update"]=> bool(false) ["photo_credits"]=> string(0) "" ["sort_order"]=> NULL ["sort_char"]=> string(1) "V" } } }
Photonik in Thüringen
11:40—12:00 Uhr
en-tech Stage
Maarten Voncken
Recent Developments in Measurement and Metrology at ASML

Dr. Maarten Voncken
Director Research Metrology, ASML

We will give an update on recent developments in Measurement and Metrology that are in focus for ASML's Research activities. These developments will be pictured in the wider view of developments in the semiconductor landscape.
array(30) { ["presentation_id"]=> string(4) "3884" ["stage_id"]=> string(3) "394" ["event_id"]=> string(9) "290742023" ["event_location"]=> string(7) "Wetzlar" ["presentation_type_id"]=> string(3) "270" ["presentation_type_name"]=> string(12) "en-tech.talk" ["presentation_type_visible"]=> bool(true) ["main_topic_id"]=> string(3) "358" ["main_topic_name"]=> string(22) "Photonik in Thüringen" ["main_topic_color"]=> string(0) "" ["subevent_id"]=> NULL ["subevent_name"]=> NULL ["topic"]=> string(119) "Be as Global as Possible, but as Local as Needed. How changes in geopolitics, culture and society impact our business." ["language"]=> string(2) "de" ["date"]=> string(10) "2023-11-29" ["time_start"]=> string(5) "12:00" ["time_end"]=> string(5) "12:20" ["subtitle"]=> string(0) "" ["abstract"]=> string(0) "" ["abbr"]=> string(0) "" ["stage_name"]=> string(13) "en-tech Stage" ["presentation_booking_mode"]=> string(8) "optional" ["is_premium"]=> string(1) "0" ["is_top_keynote"]=> string(1) "0" ["preferences"]=> array(0) { } ["image_url"]=> string(64) "https://portal.fleet-events.de/de/uploads?path=sessions/3884.jpg" ["image_last_update"]=> int(1695192998) ["sold_out"]=> bool(false) ["booked_percent"]=> int(0) ["speakers"]=> array(1) { [0]=> array(16) { ["speaker_id"]=> string(4) "2030" ["company"]=> string(20) "Edmund Optics Europe" ["title"]=> string(0) "" ["firstname"]=> string(5) "Agnes" ["lastname"]=> string(9) "Hübscher" ["jobtitle"]=> string(42) "Senior Director Global Strategic Marketing" ["email"]=> string(26) "AHuebscher@edmundoptics.de" ["is_top_speaker"]=> int(0) ["highlight_speaker"]=> string(1) "0" ["photo_url"]=> string(70) "https://portal.fleet-events.de/de/uploads?path=2030/profile_xircus.jpg" ["photo_last_update"]=> int(1694163772) ["photo_special_url"]=> string(0) "" ["photo_special_last_update"]=> bool(false) ["photo_credits"]=> string(0) "" ["sort_order"]=> NULL ["sort_char"]=> string(1) "H" } } }
Photonik in Thüringen
12:00—12:20 Uhr
en-tech Stage
Agnes Hübscher
Be as Global as Possible, but as Local as Needed. How changes in geopolitics, culture and society impact our business.

Agnes Hübscher
Senior Director Global Strategic Marketing, Edmund Optics Europe

array(30) { ["presentation_id"]=> string(4) "3666" ["stage_id"]=> string(3) "394" ["event_id"]=> string(9) "290742023" ["event_location"]=> string(7) "Wetzlar" ["presentation_type_id"]=> string(3) "270" ["presentation_type_name"]=> string(12) "en-tech.talk" ["presentation_type_visible"]=> bool(true) ["main_topic_id"]=> string(3) "358" ["main_topic_name"]=> string(22) "Photonik in Thüringen" ["main_topic_color"]=> string(0) "" ["subevent_id"]=> NULL ["subevent_name"]=> NULL ["topic"]=> string(55) "Markets of Photonics industry - Status and Perspectives" ["language"]=> string(2) "de" ["date"]=> string(10) "2023-11-29" ["time_start"]=> string(5) "12:20" ["time_end"]=> string(5) "12:40" ["subtitle"]=> string(0) "" ["abstract"]=> string(737) "Photonics is a recognized key technology. Photonic technologies, which are already widely used today, form the technological basis for numerous industries. This ranges from health care, mobility, production to renewable energies such as wind power and photovoltaics. Photonic technologies form the basis of our worldwide communication and continue to equip us with ever smaller and more powerful computers. Photonics is a real pacesetter for future technologies and is therefore rightly regarded as an enabling technology that makes innovations and sustainable growth in numerous other branches of industry possible in the first place. The contribution provides an overview of the current photonics market and shows growth opportunities." ["abbr"]=> string(0) "" ["stage_name"]=> string(13) "en-tech Stage" ["presentation_booking_mode"]=> string(8) "optional" ["is_premium"]=> string(1) "0" ["is_top_keynote"]=> string(1) "0" ["preferences"]=> array(0) { } ["image_url"]=> string(64) "https://portal.fleet-events.de/de/uploads?path=sessions/3666.jpg" ["image_last_update"]=> int(1693470998) ["sold_out"]=> bool(false) ["booked_percent"]=> int(0) ["speakers"]=> array(1) { [0]=> array(16) { ["speaker_id"]=> string(4) "1944" ["company"]=> string(14) "Fraunhofer IOF" ["title"]=> string(9) "Prof. Dr." ["firstname"]=> string(7) "Andreas" ["lastname"]=> string(11) "Tünnermann" ["jobtitle"]=> string(15) "Institutsleiter" ["email"]=> string(29) "adlin.bruns@iof.fraunhofer.de" ["is_top_speaker"]=> int(0) ["highlight_speaker"]=> string(1) "0" ["photo_url"]=> string(70) "https://portal.fleet-events.de/de/uploads?path=1944/profile_xircus.jpg" ["photo_last_update"]=> int(1693567885) ["photo_special_url"]=> string(0) "" ["photo_special_last_update"]=> bool(false) ["photo_credits"]=> string(0) "" ["sort_order"]=> NULL ["sort_char"]=> string(1) "T" } } }
Photonik in Thüringen
12:20—12:40 Uhr
en-tech Stage
Andreas Tünnermann
Markets of Photonics industry - Status and Perspectives

Prof. Dr. Andreas Tünnermann
Institutsleiter, Fraunhofer IOF

Photonics is a recognized key technology. Photonic technologies, which are already widely used today, form the technological basis for numerous industries. This ranges from health care, mobility, production to renewable energies such as wind power and photovoltaics. Photonic technologies form the basis of our worldwide communication and continue to equip us with ever smaller and more powerful computers. Photonics is a real pacesetter for future technologies and is therefore rightly regarded as an enabling technology that makes innovations and sustainable growth in numerous other branches of industry possible in the first place. The contribution provides an overview of the current photonics market and shows growth opportunities.
array(30) { ["presentation_id"]=> string(4) "4249" ["stage_id"]=> string(3) "394" ["event_id"]=> string(9) "290742023" ["event_location"]=> string(7) "Wetzlar" ["presentation_type_id"]=> string(3) "270" ["presentation_type_name"]=> string(12) "en-tech.talk" ["presentation_type_visible"]=> bool(true) ["main_topic_id"]=> string(3) "366" ["main_topic_name"]=> string(39) "Disruptive Innovations Made in Germany " ["main_topic_color"]=> string(0) "" ["subevent_id"]=> NULL ["subevent_name"]=> NULL ["topic"]=> string(51) "SPRIND and radical/disruptive Innovators in Germany" ["language"]=> string(2) "en" ["date"]=> string(10) "2023-11-29" ["time_start"]=> string(5) "14:00" ["time_end"]=> string(5) "14:30" ["subtitle"]=> string(0) "" ["abstract"]=> string(0) "" ["abbr"]=> string(0) "" ["stage_name"]=> string(13) "en-tech Stage" ["presentation_booking_mode"]=> string(8) "optional" ["is_premium"]=> string(1) "0" ["is_top_keynote"]=> string(1) "0" ["preferences"]=> array(0) { } ["image_url"]=> string(64) "https://portal.fleet-events.de/de/uploads?path=sessions/4249.jpg" ["image_last_update"]=> int(1698307546) ["sold_out"]=> bool(false) ["booked_percent"]=> int(0) ["speakers"]=> array(1) { [0]=> array(16) { ["speaker_id"]=> string(4) "2161" ["company"]=> string(76) "Innovators Consultant, für die Bundesagentur für Sprunginnovationen SPRIND" ["title"]=> string(3) "Dr." ["firstname"]=> string(6) "Reiner" ["lastname"]=> string(6) "Nikula" ["jobtitle"]=> string(21) "Scientific consultant" ["email"]=> string(25) "reiner.nikula@t-online.de" ["is_top_speaker"]=> int(0) ["highlight_speaker"]=> string(1) "0" ["photo_url"]=> string(70) "https://portal.fleet-events.de/de/uploads?path=2161/profile_xircus.jpg" ["photo_last_update"]=> int(1700040363) ["photo_special_url"]=> string(0) "" ["photo_special_last_update"]=> bool(false) ["photo_credits"]=> string(0) "" ["sort_order"]=> NULL ["sort_char"]=> string(1) "N" } } }
Disruptive Innovations Made in Germany
14:00—14:30 Uhr
en-tech Stage
Reiner Nikula
SPRIND and radical/disruptive Innovators in Germany

Dr. Reiner Nikula
Scientific consultant, Innovators Consultant, für die Bundesagentur für Sprunginnovationen SPRIND

array(30) { ["presentation_id"]=> string(4) "3669" ["stage_id"]=> string(3) "394" ["event_id"]=> string(9) "290742023" ["event_location"]=> string(7) "Wetzlar" ["presentation_type_id"]=> string(3) "270" ["presentation_type_name"]=> string(12) "en-tech.talk" ["presentation_type_visible"]=> bool(true) ["main_topic_id"]=> string(3) "366" ["main_topic_name"]=> string(39) "Disruptive Innovations Made in Germany " ["main_topic_color"]=> string(0) "" ["subevent_id"]=> NULL ["subevent_name"]=> NULL ["topic"]=> string(44) "Spheroscan: Ultrafast Detection of Pathogens" ["language"]=> string(2) "de" ["date"]=> string(10) "2023-11-29" ["time_start"]=> string(5) "14:30" ["time_end"]=> string(5) "14:50" ["subtitle"]=> string(0) "" ["abstract"]=> string(673) "FluIDect entwickelt modernste mikrobielle Prozessmesstechnik für die Überwachung und Steuerung von Produktionsanlagen. Die Einsatzmöglichkeiten reichen vom Prozessmonitoring in Bioreaktoren über die Kontrolle der Lebensmittelsicherheit bis hin zur Überwachung der Trinkwasserqualität. Dabei nutzt das Startup die innovative FRS- (Fluorescent Resonator Signature) Sensortechnologie, eine Kombination aus Biologie und Optik um den ersten Online-Sensor für die Mikrobielle Prozessüberwachung zu entwickeln welcher vollautomatisch und kontinuierlich Biologische Prozesse in Produktionsanlagen überwacht und das Ergebnis in quasi Echtzeit digital zur Verfügung stellt." ["abbr"]=> string(0) "" ["stage_name"]=> string(13) "en-tech Stage" ["presentation_booking_mode"]=> string(8) "optional" ["is_premium"]=> string(1) "0" ["is_top_keynote"]=> string(1) "0" ["preferences"]=> array(0) { } ["image_url"]=> string(64) "https://portal.fleet-events.de/de/uploads?path=sessions/3669.jpg" ["image_last_update"]=> int(1693471407) ["sold_out"]=> bool(false) ["booked_percent"]=> int(0) ["speakers"]=> array(2) { [0]=> array(16) { ["speaker_id"]=> string(4) "1936" ["company"]=> string(13) "FluIDect GmbH" ["title"]=> string(3) "Dr." ["firstname"]=> string(6) "Tobias" ["lastname"]=> string(9) "Schröter" ["jobtitle"]=> string(0) "" ["email"]=> string(29) "tobias.schroeter@fluidect.com" ["is_top_speaker"]=> int(0) ["highlight_speaker"]=> string(1) "0" ["photo_url"]=> string(70) "https://portal.fleet-events.de/de/uploads?path=1936/profile_xircus.jpg" ["photo_last_update"]=> int(1694164080) ["photo_special_url"]=> string(0) "" ["photo_special_last_update"]=> bool(false) ["photo_credits"]=> string(0) "" ["sort_order"]=> NULL ["sort_char"]=> string(1) "S" } [1]=> array(16) { ["speaker_id"]=> string(4) "1937" ["company"]=> string(13) "FluIDect GmbH" ["title"]=> string(3) "Dr." ["firstname"]=> string(7) "Michael" ["lastname"]=> string(10) "Himmelhaus" ["jobtitle"]=> string(3) "CTO" ["email"]=> string(31) "michael.himmelhaus@fluidect.com" ["is_top_speaker"]=> int(0) ["highlight_speaker"]=> string(1) "0" ["photo_url"]=> string(70) "https://portal.fleet-events.de/de/uploads?path=1937/profile_xircus.jpg" ["photo_last_update"]=> int(1694163814) ["photo_special_url"]=> string(0) "" ["photo_special_last_update"]=> bool(false) ["photo_credits"]=> string(0) "" ["sort_order"]=> NULL ["sort_char"]=> string(1) "H" } } }
Disruptive Innovations Made in Germany
14:30—14:50 Uhr
en-tech Stage
Tobias Schröter
Michael Himmelhaus
Spheroscan: Ultrafast Detection of Pathogens

Dr. Tobias Schröter
, FluIDect GmbH

Dr. Michael Himmelhaus
CTO, FluIDect GmbH

FluIDect entwickelt modernste mikrobielle Prozessmesstechnik für die Überwachung und Steuerung von Produktionsanlagen. Die Einsatzmöglichkeiten reichen vom Prozessmonitoring in Bioreaktoren über die Kontrolle der Lebensmittelsicherheit bis hin zur Überwachung der Trinkwasserqualität. Dabei nutzt das Startup die innovative FRS- (Fluorescent Resonator Signature) Sensortechnologie, eine Kombination aus Biologie und Optik um den ersten Online-Sensor für die Mikrobielle Prozessüberwachung zu entwickeln welcher vollautomatisch und kontinuierlich Biologische Prozesse in Produktionsanlagen überwacht und das Ergebnis in quasi Echtzeit digital zur Verfügung stellt.
array(31) { ["presentation_id"]=> string(4) "3659" ["stage_id"]=> string(3) "394" ["event_id"]=> string(9) "290742023" ["event_location"]=> string(7) "Wetzlar" ["presentation_type_id"]=> string(3) "270" ["presentation_type_name"]=> string(12) "en-tech.talk" ["presentation_type_visible"]=> bool(true) ["main_topic_id"]=> string(3) "366" ["main_topic_name"]=> string(39) "Disruptive Innovations Made in Germany " ["main_topic_color"]=> string(0) "" ["subevent_id"]=> NULL ["subevent_name"]=> NULL ["topic"]=> string(94) "Merging the advantges of WLO and Injection Molding to Revolutionize Fabrication of Objectives " ["language"]=> string(2) "en" ["date"]=> string(10) "2023-11-29" ["time_start"]=> string(5) "14:50" ["time_end"]=> string(5) "15:10" ["subtitle"]=> string(0) "" ["abstract"]=> string(711) "Die FabuLens GmbH entwickelt eine neuartige und bahnbrechende Methode zur Herstellung von kostengünstigen und hochpräzisen Abbildungsoptiken. Diese finden in sehr großer Stückzahl z.B. in Smartphone-Kameramodulen, der optischen Sensorik, Automobilen oder der Einweg-Endoskopie Anwendung. Das Verfahren verbindet die Vorteile des optischen Präzisionsspritzgusses seitens herstellbarer Geometrien mit den Skalierungsmöglichkeiten der der Halbleiterfertigung entlehnten sogenannten Wafer-Level-Optik (WLO). Konkret handelt es sich hierbei um eine Wafer-lose und schwindungskompensierte UV-Replikation im Batch-Prozess mit einem anpassbaren Grad der Parallelisierung für die Linsenherstellung und -stapelung." ["abbr"]=> string(0) "" ["stage_name"]=> string(13) "en-tech Stage" ["presentation_booking_mode"]=> string(8) "optional" ["is_premium"]=> string(1) "0" ["is_top_keynote"]=> string(1) "0" ["preferences"]=> array(0) { } ["image_url"]=> string(64) "https://portal.fleet-events.de/de/uploads?path=sessions/3659.jpg" ["image_last_update"]=> int(1693466775) ["sold_out"]=> bool(false) ["booked_percent"]=> int(0) ["speakers"]=> array(1) { [0]=> array(16) { ["speaker_id"]=> string(4) "1934" ["company"]=> string(13) "Fabulens GmbH" ["title"]=> string(3) "Dr." ["firstname"]=> string(7) "Jacques" ["lastname"]=> string(8) "Duparré" ["jobtitle"]=> string(16) "Geschäftsfüher" ["email"]=> string(34) "jacques.duparre@fabulens-optics.de" ["is_top_speaker"]=> int(0) ["highlight_speaker"]=> string(1) "0" ["photo_url"]=> string(70) "https://portal.fleet-events.de/de/uploads?path=1934/profile_xircus.jpg" ["photo_last_update"]=> int(1693475231) ["photo_special_url"]=> string(0) "" ["photo_special_last_update"]=> bool(false) ["photo_credits"]=> string(0) "" ["sort_order"]=> NULL ["sort_char"]=> string(1) "D" } } ["customer"]=> array(2) { ["name"]=> string(8) "FlulDect" ["logo"]=> string(0) "" } }
Disruptive Innovations Made in Germany
14:50—15:10 Uhr
en-tech Stage
Jacques Duparré
Merging the advantges of WLO and Injection Molding to Revolutionize Fabrication of Objectives

Dr. Jacques Duparré
Geschäftsfüher, Fabulens GmbH

Die FabuLens GmbH entwickelt eine neuartige und bahnbrechende Methode zur Herstellung von kostengünstigen und hochpräzisen Abbildungsoptiken. Diese finden in sehr großer Stückzahl z.B. in Smartphone-Kameramodulen, der optischen Sensorik, Automobilen oder der Einweg-Endoskopie Anwendung. Das Verfahren verbindet die Vorteile des optischen Präzisionsspritzgusses seitens herstellbarer Geometrien mit den Skalierungsmöglichkeiten der der Halbleiterfertigung entlehnten sogenannten Wafer-Level-Optik (WLO). Konkret handelt es sich hierbei um eine Wafer-lose und schwindungskompensierte UV-Replikation im Batch-Prozess mit einem anpassbaren Grad der Parallelisierung für die Linsenherstellung und -stapelung.
array(31) { ["presentation_id"]=> string(4) "3658" ["stage_id"]=> string(3) "394" ["event_id"]=> string(9) "290742023" ["event_location"]=> string(7) "Wetzlar" ["presentation_type_id"]=> string(3) "270" ["presentation_type_name"]=> string(12) "en-tech.talk" ["presentation_type_visible"]=> bool(true) ["main_topic_id"]=> string(3) "366" ["main_topic_name"]=> string(39) "Disruptive Innovations Made in Germany " ["main_topic_color"]=> string(0) "" ["subevent_id"]=> NULL ["subevent_name"]=> NULL ["topic"]=> string(17) "Optical Computing" ["language"]=> string(2) "en" ["date"]=> string(10) "2023-11-29" ["time_start"]=> string(5) "15:10" ["time_end"]=> string(5) "15:30" ["subtitle"]=> string(0) "" ["abstract"]=> string(705) "As high performance electronics gets more expensive and difficult to design and fabricate, the industry is looking towards the future of computing in new technologies. One such promising technology is optical computing, which promises faster and more energy efficient processing. With the first commercially available optical computing hardware in the optical analog and optical quantum space available, we will present our vision of unifying these technologies using our optical digital computing approach. Our goal is to create the first fully heterogeneous computing platform combining digital, analog and quantum optical computing to outclass existing electronics in performance and energy efficiency." ["abbr"]=> string(0) "" ["stage_name"]=> string(13) "en-tech Stage" ["presentation_booking_mode"]=> string(8) "optional" ["is_premium"]=> string(1) "0" ["is_top_keynote"]=> string(1) "0" ["preferences"]=> array(1) { [0]=> array(2) { ["id"]=> string(3) "262" ["name"]=> string(15) "AP - Halbleiter" } } ["image_url"]=> string(64) "https://portal.fleet-events.de/de/uploads?path=sessions/3658.jpg" ["image_last_update"]=> int(1693466838) ["sold_out"]=> bool(false) ["booked_percent"]=> int(0) ["speakers"]=> array(1) { [0]=> array(16) { ["speaker_id"]=> string(4) "1932" ["company"]=> string(15) "Akhetonics GmbH" ["title"]=> string(3) "Dr." ["firstname"]=> string(7) "Michael" ["lastname"]=> string(7) "Kissner" ["jobtitle"]=> string(3) "CEO" ["email"]=> string(22) "michael@akhetonics.com" ["is_top_speaker"]=> int(0) ["highlight_speaker"]=> string(1) "0" ["photo_url"]=> string(70) "https://portal.fleet-events.de/de/uploads?path=1932/profile_xircus.jpg" ["photo_last_update"]=> int(1693475282) ["photo_special_url"]=> string(0) "" ["photo_special_last_update"]=> bool(false) ["photo_credits"]=> string(0) "" ["sort_order"]=> NULL ["sort_char"]=> string(1) "K" } } ["customer"]=> array(2) { ["name"]=> string(10) "Akhetonics" ["logo"]=> string(0) "" } }
Disruptive Innovations Made in Germany
15:10—15:30 Uhr
en-tech Stage
AP - Halbleiter
Michael Kissner
Optical Computing

Dr. Michael Kissner
CEO, Akhetonics GmbH

As high performance electronics gets more expensive and difficult to design and fabricate, the industry is looking towards the future of computing in new technologies. One such promising technology is optical computing, which promises faster and more energy efficient processing. With the first commercially available optical computing hardware in the optical analog and optical quantum space available, we will present our vision of unifying these technologies using our optical digital computing approach. Our goal is to create the first fully heterogeneous computing platform combining digital, analog and quantum optical computing to outclass existing electronics in performance and energy efficiency.
array(30) { ["presentation_id"]=> string(4) "3657" ["stage_id"]=> string(3) "394" ["event_id"]=> string(9) "290742023" ["event_location"]=> string(7) "Wetzlar" ["presentation_type_id"]=> string(3) "270" ["presentation_type_name"]=> string(12) "en-tech.talk" ["presentation_type_visible"]=> bool(true) ["main_topic_id"]=> string(3) "366" ["main_topic_name"]=> string(39) "Disruptive Innovations Made in Germany " ["main_topic_color"]=> string(0) "" ["subevent_id"]=> NULL ["subevent_name"]=> NULL ["topic"]=> string(29) "Holodeck: The Final Frontier " ["language"]=> string(2) "en" ["date"]=> string(10) "2023-11-29" ["time_start"]=> string(5) "15:30" ["time_end"]=> string(5) "15:50" ["subtitle"]=> string(0) "" ["abstract"]=> string(0) "" ["abbr"]=> string(0) "" ["stage_name"]=> string(13) "en-tech Stage" ["presentation_booking_mode"]=> string(4) "info" ["is_premium"]=> string(1) "0" ["is_top_keynote"]=> string(1) "0" ["preferences"]=> array(0) { } ["image_url"]=> string(64) "https://portal.fleet-events.de/de/uploads?path=sessions/3657.jpg" ["image_last_update"]=> int(1693466921) ["sold_out"]=> bool(false) ["booked_percent"]=> int(0) ["speakers"]=> array(1) { [0]=> array(16) { ["speaker_id"]=> string(4) "1931" ["company"]=> string(10) "Gixel GmbH" ["title"]=> string(3) "Dr." ["firstname"]=> string(4) "Miro" ["lastname"]=> string(8) "Taphanel" ["jobtitle"]=> string(0) "" ["email"]=> string(13) "miro@gixel.de" ["is_top_speaker"]=> int(0) ["highlight_speaker"]=> string(1) "0" ["photo_url"]=> string(70) "https://portal.fleet-events.de/de/uploads?path=1931/profile_xircus.jpg" ["photo_last_update"]=> int(1693837577) ["photo_special_url"]=> string(0) "" ["photo_special_last_update"]=> bool(false) ["photo_credits"]=> string(0) "" ["sort_order"]=> NULL ["sort_char"]=> string(1) "T" } } }
Disruptive Innovations Made in Germany
15:30—15:50 Uhr
en-tech Stage
Miro Taphanel
Holodeck: The Final Frontier

Dr. Miro Taphanel
, Gixel GmbH

array(30) { ["presentation_id"]=> string(4) "3955" ["stage_id"]=> string(3) "394" ["event_id"]=> string(9) "290742023" ["event_location"]=> string(7) "Wetzlar" ["presentation_type_id"]=> string(3) "270" ["presentation_type_name"]=> string(12) "en-tech.talk" ["presentation_type_visible"]=> bool(true) ["main_topic_id"]=> string(3) "362" ["main_topic_name"]=> string(18) "Management Keynote" ["main_topic_color"]=> string(0) "" ["subevent_id"]=> NULL ["subevent_name"]=> NULL ["topic"]=> string(132) "Erfolge der Halbleiter-Industrie Sachsen. Wie die Zusammenarbeit der HighTech-Branchen in Mitteldeutschland und Europa gelingen kann" ["language"]=> string(2) "de" ["date"]=> string(10) "2023-11-29" ["time_start"]=> string(5) "16:00" ["time_end"]=> string(5) "16:30" ["subtitle"]=> string(0) "" ["abstract"]=> string(0) "" ["abbr"]=> string(0) "" ["stage_name"]=> string(13) "en-tech Stage" ["presentation_booking_mode"]=> string(8) "optional" ["is_premium"]=> string(1) "0" ["is_top_keynote"]=> string(1) "0" ["preferences"]=> array(0) { } ["image_url"]=> string(64) "https://portal.fleet-events.de/de/uploads?path=sessions/3955.jpg" ["image_last_update"]=> int(1696233242) ["sold_out"]=> bool(false) ["booked_percent"]=> int(0) ["speakers"]=> array(1) { [0]=> array(16) { ["speaker_id"]=> string(4) "2080" ["company"]=> string(20) "Silicon Saxony e. V." ["title"]=> string(0) "" ["firstname"]=> string(5) "Frank" ["lastname"]=> string(10) "Bösenberg" ["jobtitle"]=> string(0) "" ["email"]=> string(34) "frank.boesenberg@silicon-saxony.de" ["is_top_speaker"]=> int(0) ["highlight_speaker"]=> string(1) "0" ["photo_url"]=> string(70) "https://portal.fleet-events.de/de/uploads?path=2080/profile_xircus.jpg" ["photo_last_update"]=> int(1698833168) ["photo_special_url"]=> string(0) "" ["photo_special_last_update"]=> bool(false) ["photo_credits"]=> string(13) "Tommy Halfter" ["sort_order"]=> NULL ["sort_char"]=> string(1) "B" } } }
Management Keynote
16:00—16:30 Uhr
en-tech Stage
Frank Bösenberg
©Foto: Tommy Halfter
Erfolge der Halbleiter-Industrie Sachsen. Wie die Zusammenarbeit der HighTech-Branchen in Mitteldeutschland und Europa gelingen kann

Frank Bösenberg
, Silicon Saxony e. V.

array(30) { ["presentation_id"]=> string(4) "4292" ["stage_id"]=> string(3) "394" ["event_id"]=> string(9) "290742023" ["event_location"]=> string(7) "Wetzlar" ["presentation_type_id"]=> string(3) "270" ["presentation_type_name"]=> string(12) "en-tech.talk" ["presentation_type_visible"]=> bool(true) ["main_topic_id"]=> string(3) "362" ["main_topic_name"]=> string(18) "Management Keynote" ["main_topic_color"]=> string(0) "" ["subevent_id"]=> NULL ["subevent_name"]=> NULL ["topic"]=> string(29) "eCommerce mit KI im B2B Sales" ["language"]=> string(2) "de" ["date"]=> string(10) "2023-11-29" ["time_start"]=> string(5) "16:30" ["time_end"]=> string(5) "17:00" ["subtitle"]=> string(0) "" ["abstract"]=> string(97) "Markus Klahn gibt in seiner Keynote einen Einblick in aktuelle eCommerce KI Strategien und Trends" ["abbr"]=> string(0) "" ["stage_name"]=> string(13) "en-tech Stage" ["presentation_booking_mode"]=> string(8) "optional" ["is_premium"]=> string(1) "0" ["is_top_keynote"]=> string(1) "0" ["preferences"]=> array(0) { } ["image_url"]=> string(64) "https://portal.fleet-events.de/de/uploads?path=sessions/4292.jpg" ["image_last_update"]=> int(1700468473) ["sold_out"]=> bool(false) ["booked_percent"]=> int(0) ["speakers"]=> array(1) { [0]=> array(16) { ["speaker_id"]=> string(4) "2193" ["company"]=> string(27) "Intershop Communications AG" ["title"]=> string(0) "" ["firstname"]=> string(6) "Markus" ["lastname"]=> string(5) "Klahn" ["jobtitle"]=> string(3) "CEO" ["email"]=> string(21) "m.klahn@intershop.com" ["is_top_speaker"]=> int(0) ["highlight_speaker"]=> string(1) "0" ["photo_url"]=> string(70) "https://portal.fleet-events.de/de/uploads?path=2193/profile_xircus.jpg" ["photo_last_update"]=> int(1700564110) ["photo_special_url"]=> string(0) "" ["photo_special_last_update"]=> bool(false) ["photo_credits"]=> string(0) "" ["sort_order"]=> NULL ["sort_char"]=> string(1) "K" } } }
Management Keynote
16:30—17:00 Uhr
en-tech Stage
Markus Klahn
eCommerce mit KI im B2B Sales

Markus Klahn
CEO, Intershop Communications AG

Markus Klahn gibt in seiner Keynote einen Einblick in aktuelle eCommerce KI Strategien und Trends
Donnerstag, 30. November 2023
array(30) { ["presentation_id"]=> string(4) "3824" ["stage_id"]=> string(3) "394" ["event_id"]=> string(9) "290742023" ["event_location"]=> string(7) "Wetzlar" ["presentation_type_id"]=> string(3) "199" ["presentation_type_name"]=> string(14) "EPIC TechWatch" ["presentation_type_visible"]=> bool(true) ["main_topic_id"]=> string(3) "360" ["main_topic_name"]=> string(14) "EPIC TechWatch" ["main_topic_color"]=> string(0) "" ["subevent_id"]=> NULL ["subevent_name"]=> NULL ["topic"]=> string(40) "Novel NDIR Sensors for Multi-Gas Sensing" ["language"]=> string(2) "en" ["date"]=> string(10) "2023-11-30" ["time_start"]=> string(5) "10:05" ["time_end"]=> string(5) "10:15" ["subtitle"]=> string(0) "" ["abstract"]=> string(0) "" ["abbr"]=> string(0) "" ["stage_name"]=> string(13) "en-tech Stage" ["presentation_booking_mode"]=> string(8) "optional" ["is_premium"]=> string(1) "0" ["is_top_keynote"]=> string(1) "0" ["preferences"]=> array(0) { } ["image_url"]=> string(64) "https://portal.fleet-events.de/de/uploads?path=sessions/3824.jpg" ["image_last_update"]=> int(1693466953) ["sold_out"]=> bool(false) ["booked_percent"]=> int(0) ["speakers"]=> array(1) { [0]=> array(16) { ["speaker_id"]=> string(3) "949" ["company"]=> string(5) "m-u-t" ["title"]=> string(3) "Dr." ["firstname"]=> string(6) "Oliver" ["lastname"]=> string(4) "Pust" ["jobtitle"]=> string(13) "Head of Sales" ["email"]=> string(19) "opust@mut-group.com" ["is_top_speaker"]=> int(0) ["highlight_speaker"]=> string(1) "0" ["photo_url"]=> string(69) "https://portal.fleet-events.de/de/uploads?path=949/profile_xircus.jpg" ["photo_last_update"]=> int(1700218956) ["photo_special_url"]=> string(0) "" ["photo_special_last_update"]=> int(1652787879) ["photo_credits"]=> string(0) "" ["sort_order"]=> NULL ["sort_char"]=> string(1) "P" } } }
EPIC TechWatch
10:05—10:15 Uhr
en-tech Stage
Oliver Pust
Novel NDIR Sensors for Multi-Gas Sensing

Dr. Oliver Pust
Head of Sales, m-u-t

array(30) { ["presentation_id"]=> string(4) "3825" ["stage_id"]=> string(3) "394" ["event_id"]=> string(9) "290742023" ["event_location"]=> string(7) "Wetzlar" ["presentation_type_id"]=> string(3) "199" ["presentation_type_name"]=> string(14) "EPIC TechWatch" ["presentation_type_visible"]=> bool(true) ["main_topic_id"]=> string(3) "360" ["main_topic_name"]=> string(14) "EPIC TechWatch" ["main_topic_color"]=> string(0) "" ["subevent_id"]=> NULL ["subevent_name"]=> NULL ["topic"]=> string(58) "Mastering Advanced: Manufacturing in Times of Localization" ["language"]=> string(2) "en" ["date"]=> string(10) "2023-11-30" ["time_start"]=> string(5) "10:15" ["time_end"]=> string(5) "10:25" ["subtitle"]=> string(0) "" ["abstract"]=> string(0) "" ["abbr"]=> string(0) "" ["stage_name"]=> string(13) "en-tech Stage" ["presentation_booking_mode"]=> string(8) "optional" ["is_premium"]=> string(1) "0" ["is_top_keynote"]=> string(1) "0" ["preferences"]=> array(0) { } ["image_url"]=> string(64) "https://portal.fleet-events.de/de/uploads?path=sessions/3825.jpg" ["image_last_update"]=> int(1693467045) ["sold_out"]=> bool(false) ["booked_percent"]=> int(0) ["speakers"]=> array(1) { [0]=> array(16) { ["speaker_id"]=> string(4) "1668" ["company"]=> string(12) "Jabil Optics" ["title"]=> string(0) "" ["firstname"]=> string(5) "Simon" ["lastname"]=> string(9) "Schwinger" ["jobtitle"]=> string(28) "Business Enablement at Jabil" ["email"]=> string(33) "neringa.norbutaite@epic-assoc.com" ["is_top_speaker"]=> int(0) ["highlight_speaker"]=> string(1) "0" ["photo_url"]=> string(70) "https://portal.fleet-events.de/de/uploads?path=1668/profile_xircus.jpg" ["photo_last_update"]=> int(1695039389) ["photo_special_url"]=> string(0) "" ["photo_special_last_update"]=> int(1654612866) ["photo_credits"]=> string(0) "" ["sort_order"]=> NULL ["sort_char"]=> string(1) "S" } } }
EPIC TechWatch
10:15—10:25 Uhr
en-tech Stage
Simon Schwinger
Mastering Advanced: Manufacturing in Times of Localization

Simon Schwinger
Business Enablement at Jabil, Jabil Optics

array(30) { ["presentation_id"]=> string(4) "3826" ["stage_id"]=> string(3) "394" ["event_id"]=> string(9) "290742023" ["event_location"]=> string(7) "Wetzlar" ["presentation_type_id"]=> string(3) "199" ["presentation_type_name"]=> string(14) "EPIC TechWatch" ["presentation_type_visible"]=> bool(true) ["main_topic_id"]=> string(3) "360" ["main_topic_name"]=> string(14) "EPIC TechWatch" ["main_topic_color"]=> string(0) "" ["subevent_id"]=> NULL ["subevent_name"]=> NULL ["topic"]=> string(33) "Innovations in Ion Beam Machining" ["language"]=> string(2) "en" ["date"]=> string(10) "2023-11-30" ["time_start"]=> string(5) "10:25" ["time_end"]=> string(5) "10:35" ["subtitle"]=> string(0) "" ["abstract"]=> string(0) "" ["abbr"]=> string(0) "" ["stage_name"]=> string(13) "en-tech Stage" ["presentation_booking_mode"]=> string(8) "optional" ["is_premium"]=> string(1) "0" ["is_top_keynote"]=> string(1) "0" ["preferences"]=> array(0) { } ["image_url"]=> string(64) "https://portal.fleet-events.de/de/uploads?path=sessions/3826.jpg" ["image_last_update"]=> int(1693467092) ["sold_out"]=> bool(false) ["booked_percent"]=> int(0) ["speakers"]=> array(1) { [0]=> array(16) { ["speaker_id"]=> string(4) "2003" ["company"]=> string(13) "Bühler Group" ["title"]=> string(0) "" ["firstname"]=> string(9) "Christian" ["lastname"]=> string(9) "Schindler" ["jobtitle"]=> string(13) "Sales Manager" ["email"]=> string(0) "" ["is_top_speaker"]=> int(0) ["highlight_speaker"]=> string(1) "0" ["photo_url"]=> string(70) "https://portal.fleet-events.de/de/uploads?path=2003/profile_xircus.jpg" ["photo_last_update"]=> int(1696231000) ["photo_special_url"]=> string(0) "" ["photo_special_last_update"]=> bool(false) ["photo_credits"]=> string(0) "" ["sort_order"]=> NULL ["sort_char"]=> string(1) "S" } } }
EPIC TechWatch
10:25—10:35 Uhr
en-tech Stage
Christian Schindler
Innovations in Ion Beam Machining

Christian Schindler
Sales Manager, Bühler Group

array(30) { ["presentation_id"]=> string(4) "3827" ["stage_id"]=> string(3) "394" ["event_id"]=> string(9) "290742023" ["event_location"]=> string(7) "Wetzlar" ["presentation_type_id"]=> string(3) "199" ["presentation_type_name"]=> string(14) "EPIC TechWatch" ["presentation_type_visible"]=> bool(true) ["main_topic_id"]=> string(3) "360" ["main_topic_name"]=> string(14) "EPIC TechWatch" ["main_topic_color"]=> string(0) "" ["subevent_id"]=> NULL ["subevent_name"]=> NULL ["topic"]=> string(61) "Embedded optical solutions through X-FAB’s Foundry offering" ["language"]=> string(2) "en" ["date"]=> string(10) "2023-11-30" ["time_start"]=> string(5) "10:35" ["time_end"]=> string(5) "10:45" ["subtitle"]=> string(0) "" ["abstract"]=> string(0) "" ["abbr"]=> string(0) "" ["stage_name"]=> string(13) "en-tech Stage" ["presentation_booking_mode"]=> string(8) "optional" ["is_premium"]=> string(1) "0" ["is_top_keynote"]=> string(1) "0" ["preferences"]=> array(0) { } ["image_url"]=> string(64) "https://portal.fleet-events.de/de/uploads?path=sessions/3827.jpg" ["image_last_update"]=> int(1693467120) ["sold_out"]=> bool(false) ["booked_percent"]=> int(0) ["speakers"]=> array(1) { [0]=> array(16) { ["speaker_id"]=> string(4) "2004" ["company"]=> string(5) "X-FAB" ["title"]=> string(3) "Dr." ["firstname"]=> string(6) "Ulrich" ["lastname"]=> string(10) "Bretthauer" ["jobtitle"]=> string(32) "Senior Segment Marketing Manager" ["email"]=> string(26) "ulrich.bretthauer@xfab.com" ["is_top_speaker"]=> int(0) ["highlight_speaker"]=> string(1) "0" ["photo_url"]=> string(70) "https://portal.fleet-events.de/de/uploads?path=2004/profile_xircus.jpg" ["photo_last_update"]=> int(1700219188) ["photo_special_url"]=> string(0) "" ["photo_special_last_update"]=> bool(false) ["photo_credits"]=> string(0) "" ["sort_order"]=> NULL ["sort_char"]=> string(1) "B" } } }
EPIC TechWatch
10:35—10:45 Uhr
en-tech Stage
Ulrich Bretthauer
Embedded optical solutions through X-FAB’s Foundry offering

Dr. Ulrich Bretthauer
Senior Segment Marketing Manager, X-FAB

array(30) { ["presentation_id"]=> string(4) "3920" ["stage_id"]=> string(3) "394" ["event_id"]=> string(9) "290742023" ["event_location"]=> string(7) "Wetzlar" ["presentation_type_id"]=> string(3) "199" ["presentation_type_name"]=> string(14) "EPIC TechWatch" ["presentation_type_visible"]=> bool(true) ["main_topic_id"]=> string(3) "360" ["main_topic_name"]=> string(14) "EPIC TechWatch" ["main_topic_color"]=> string(0) "" ["subevent_id"]=> NULL ["subevent_name"]=> NULL ["topic"]=> string(86) "Manufacturing of High Performance Optical Filters for Multi- and Hyperspectral Imaging" ["language"]=> string(2) "en" ["date"]=> string(10) "2023-11-30" ["time_start"]=> string(5) "10:45" ["time_end"]=> string(5) "10:55" ["subtitle"]=> string(0) "" ["abstract"]=> string(0) "" ["abbr"]=> string(0) "" ["stage_name"]=> string(13) "en-tech Stage" ["presentation_booking_mode"]=> string(8) "optional" ["is_premium"]=> string(1) "0" ["is_top_keynote"]=> string(1) "0" ["preferences"]=> array(0) { } ["image_url"]=> string(64) "https://portal.fleet-events.de/de/uploads?path=sessions/3920.jpg" ["image_last_update"]=> int(1695630642) ["sold_out"]=> bool(false) ["booked_percent"]=> int(0) ["speakers"]=> array(1) { [0]=> array(16) { ["speaker_id"]=> string(4) "2079" ["company"]=> string(23) "Materion Balzers Optics" ["title"]=> string(0) "" ["firstname"]=> string(5) "Elmar" ["lastname"]=> string(7) "Ebinger" ["jobtitle"]=> string(28) "Business Development Manager" ["email"]=> string(0) "" ["is_top_speaker"]=> int(0) ["highlight_speaker"]=> string(1) "0" ["photo_url"]=> string(70) "https://portal.fleet-events.de/de/uploads?path=2079/profile_xircus.jpg" ["photo_last_update"]=> int(1700219389) ["photo_special_url"]=> string(0) "" ["photo_special_last_update"]=> bool(false) ["photo_credits"]=> string(0) "" ["sort_order"]=> NULL ["sort_char"]=> string(1) "E" } } }
EPIC TechWatch
10:45—10:55 Uhr
en-tech Stage
Elmar Ebinger
Manufacturing of High Performance Optical Filters for Multi- and Hyperspectral Imaging

Elmar Ebinger
Business Development Manager, Materion Balzers Optics

array(30) { ["presentation_id"]=> string(4) "3829" ["stage_id"]=> string(3) "394" ["event_id"]=> string(9) "290742023" ["event_location"]=> string(7) "Wetzlar" ["presentation_type_id"]=> string(3) "199" ["presentation_type_name"]=> string(14) "EPIC TechWatch" ["presentation_type_visible"]=> bool(true) ["main_topic_id"]=> string(3) "360" ["main_topic_name"]=> string(14) "EPIC TechWatch" ["main_topic_color"]=> string(0) "" ["subevent_id"]=> NULL ["subevent_name"]=> NULL ["topic"]=> string(73) "Medical Devices for Optoacoustic Imaging: from Radiology to Point-of-Care" ["language"]=> string(2) "en" ["date"]=> string(10) "2023-11-30" ["time_start"]=> string(5) "10:55" ["time_end"]=> string(5) "11:05" ["subtitle"]=> string(0) "" ["abstract"]=> string(0) "" ["abbr"]=> string(0) "" ["stage_name"]=> string(13) "en-tech Stage" ["presentation_booking_mode"]=> string(8) "optional" ["is_premium"]=> string(1) "0" ["is_top_keynote"]=> string(1) "0" ["preferences"]=> array(0) { } ["image_url"]=> string(64) "https://portal.fleet-events.de/de/uploads?path=sessions/3829.jpg" ["image_last_update"]=> int(1693467193) ["sold_out"]=> bool(false) ["booked_percent"]=> int(0) ["speakers"]=> array(1) { [0]=> array(16) { ["speaker_id"]=> string(4) "2006" ["company"]=> string(14) "iThera Medical" ["title"]=> string(3) "Dr." ["firstname"]=> string(7) "Patrick" ["lastname"]=> string(9) "Leisching" ["jobtitle"]=> string(3) "CTO" ["email"]=> string(36) "patrick.leisching@ithera-medical.com" ["is_top_speaker"]=> int(0) ["highlight_speaker"]=> string(1) "0" ["photo_url"]=> string(70) "https://portal.fleet-events.de/de/uploads?path=2006/profile_xircus.jpg" ["photo_last_update"]=> int(1700219706) ["photo_special_url"]=> string(0) "" ["photo_special_last_update"]=> bool(false) ["photo_credits"]=> string(0) "" ["sort_order"]=> NULL ["sort_char"]=> string(1) "L" } } }
EPIC TechWatch
10:55—11:05 Uhr
en-tech Stage
Patrick Leisching
Medical Devices for Optoacoustic Imaging: from Radiology to Point-of-Care

Dr. Patrick Leisching
CTO, iThera Medical

array(30) { ["presentation_id"]=> string(4) "3830" ["stage_id"]=> string(3) "394" ["event_id"]=> string(9) "290742023" ["event_location"]=> string(7) "Wetzlar" ["presentation_type_id"]=> string(3) "199" ["presentation_type_name"]=> string(14) "EPIC TechWatch" ["presentation_type_visible"]=> bool(true) ["main_topic_id"]=> string(3) "360" ["main_topic_name"]=> string(14) "EPIC TechWatch" ["main_topic_color"]=> string(0) "" ["subevent_id"]=> NULL ["subevent_name"]=> NULL ["topic"]=> string(49) "Revolutionary Approach in Photonics Microassembly" ["language"]=> string(2) "en" ["date"]=> string(10) "2023-11-30" ["time_start"]=> string(5) "11:05" ["time_end"]=> string(5) "11:15" ["subtitle"]=> string(0) "" ["abstract"]=> string(0) "" ["abbr"]=> string(0) "" ["stage_name"]=> string(13) "en-tech Stage" ["presentation_booking_mode"]=> string(8) "optional" ["is_premium"]=> string(1) "0" ["is_top_keynote"]=> string(1) "0" ["preferences"]=> array(0) { } ["image_url"]=> string(64) "https://portal.fleet-events.de/de/uploads?path=sessions/3830.jpg" ["image_last_update"]=> int(1693467213) ["sold_out"]=> bool(false) ["booked_percent"]=> int(0) ["speakers"]=> array(1) { [0]=> array(16) { ["speaker_id"]=> string(4) "1016" ["company"]=> string(8) "INNOCISE" ["title"]=> string(0) "" ["firstname"]=> string(7) "Yolanda" ["lastname"]=> string(6) "Stabel" ["jobtitle"]=> string(14) "Sales Engineer" ["email"]=> string(21) "y.stabel@innocise.com" ["is_top_speaker"]=> int(0) ["highlight_speaker"]=> string(1) "0" ["photo_url"]=> string(70) "https://portal.fleet-events.de/de/uploads?path=1016/profile_xircus.jpg" ["photo_last_update"]=> int(1624024865) ["photo_special_url"]=> string(0) "" ["photo_special_last_update"]=> bool(false) ["photo_credits"]=> string(0) "" ["sort_order"]=> NULL ["sort_char"]=> string(1) "S" } } }
EPIC TechWatch
11:05—11:15 Uhr
en-tech Stage
Yolanda Stabel
Revolutionary Approach in Photonics Microassembly

Yolanda Stabel
Sales Engineer, INNOCISE

array(30) { ["presentation_id"]=> string(4) "3954" ["stage_id"]=> string(3) "394" ["event_id"]=> string(9) "290742023" ["event_location"]=> string(7) "Wetzlar" ["presentation_type_id"]=> string(3) "199" ["presentation_type_name"]=> string(14) "EPIC TechWatch" ["presentation_type_visible"]=> bool(true) ["main_topic_id"]=> string(3) "360" ["main_topic_name"]=> string(14) "EPIC TechWatch" ["main_topic_color"]=> string(0) "" ["subevent_id"]=> NULL ["subevent_name"]=> NULL ["topic"]=> string(54) "Revolutionizing Laser Systems. The Power of BeamTuning" ["language"]=> string(2) "en" ["date"]=> string(10) "2023-11-30" ["time_start"]=> string(5) "11:15" ["time_end"]=> string(5) "11:25" ["subtitle"]=> string(0) "" ["abstract"]=> string(0) "" ["abbr"]=> string(0) "" ["stage_name"]=> string(13) "en-tech Stage" ["presentation_booking_mode"]=> string(8) "optional" ["is_premium"]=> string(1) "0" ["is_top_keynote"]=> string(1) "0" ["preferences"]=> array(0) { } ["image_url"]=> string(64) "https://portal.fleet-events.de/de/uploads?path=sessions/3954.jpg" ["image_last_update"]=> int(1696230784) ["sold_out"]=> bool(false) ["booked_percent"]=> int(0) ["speakers"]=> array(1) { [0]=> array(16) { ["speaker_id"]=> string(4) "2200" ["company"]=> string(15) "asphericon GmbH" ["title"]=> string(0) "" ["firstname"]=> string(7) "Sabrina" ["lastname"]=> string(8) "Matthias" ["jobtitle"]=> string(0) "" ["email"]=> string(25) "s.matthias@asphericon.com" ["is_top_speaker"]=> int(0) ["highlight_speaker"]=> string(1) "0" ["photo_url"]=> string(70) "https://portal.fleet-events.de/de/uploads?path=2200/profile_xircus.jpg" ["photo_last_update"]=> int(1700742415) ["photo_special_url"]=> string(0) "" ["photo_special_last_update"]=> bool(false) ["photo_credits"]=> string(0) "" ["sort_order"]=> NULL ["sort_char"]=> string(1) "M" } } }
EPIC TechWatch
11:15—11:25 Uhr
en-tech Stage
Sabrina Matthias
Revolutionizing Laser Systems. The Power of BeamTuning

Sabrina Matthias
, asphericon GmbH

array(31) { ["presentation_id"]=> string(4) "3837" ["stage_id"]=> string(3) "394" ["event_id"]=> string(9) "290742023" ["event_location"]=> string(7) "Wetzlar" ["presentation_type_id"]=> string(3) "301" ["presentation_type_name"]=> string(32) "IVAM Photonics & Microtechnology" ["presentation_type_visible"]=> bool(true) ["main_topic_id"]=> string(3) "365" ["main_topic_name"]=> string(35) "Photonics & Microtechnology by IVAM" ["main_topic_color"]=> string(0) "" ["subevent_id"]=> NULL ["subevent_name"]=> NULL ["topic"]=> string(30) "Beam shaping with micro-optics" ["language"]=> string(2) "en" ["date"]=> string(10) "2023-11-30" ["time_start"]=> string(5) "11:30" ["time_end"]=> string(5) "11:45" ["subtitle"]=> string(0) "" ["abstract"]=> string(0) "" ["abbr"]=> string(0) "" ["stage_name"]=> string(13) "en-tech Stage" ["presentation_booking_mode"]=> string(8) "optional" ["is_premium"]=> string(1) "0" ["is_top_keynote"]=> string(1) "0" ["preferences"]=> array(0) { } ["image_url"]=> string(64) "https://portal.fleet-events.de/de/uploads?path=sessions/3837.jpg" ["image_last_update"]=> int(1693392619) ["sold_out"]=> bool(false) ["booked_percent"]=> int(0) ["speakers"]=> array(1) { [0]=> array(16) { ["speaker_id"]=> string(4) "1879" ["company"]=> string(16) "SUSS MicroOptics" ["title"]=> string(0) "" ["firstname"]=> string(7) "Jürgen" ["lastname"]=> string(5) "Rieck" ["jobtitle"]=> string(13) "Sales Manager" ["email"]=> string(22) "juergen.rieck@suss.com" ["is_top_speaker"]=> int(0) ["highlight_speaker"]=> string(1) "0" ["photo_url"]=> string(70) "https://portal.fleet-events.de/de/uploads?path=1879/profile_xircus.jpg" ["photo_last_update"]=> int(1678705134) ["photo_special_url"]=> string(0) "" ["photo_special_last_update"]=> bool(false) ["photo_credits"]=> string(0) "" ["sort_order"]=> NULL ["sort_char"]=> string(1) "R" } } ["customer"]=> array(2) { ["name"]=> string(19) "SUSS MicroOptics SA" ["logo"]=> string(66) "https://portal.fleet-events.de/de/uploads?path=C732058227/logo.jpg" } }
Photonics & Microtechnology by IVAM
11:30—11:45 Uhr
en-tech Stage
Jürgen Rieck
Beam shaping with micro-optics

Jürgen Rieck
Sales Manager, SUSS MicroOptics

array(31) { ["presentation_id"]=> string(4) "3838" ["stage_id"]=> string(3) "394" ["event_id"]=> string(9) "290742023" ["event_location"]=> string(7) "Wetzlar" ["presentation_type_id"]=> string(3) "301" ["presentation_type_name"]=> string(32) "IVAM Photonics & Microtechnology" ["presentation_type_visible"]=> bool(true) ["main_topic_id"]=> string(3) "365" ["main_topic_name"]=> string(35) "Photonics & Microtechnology by IVAM" ["main_topic_color"]=> string(0) "" ["subevent_id"]=> NULL ["subevent_name"]=> NULL ["topic"]=> string(139) "From Microtechnology to Photonics and back: Applying Microtechnology Processes in Photonics to provide unique solutions for Microtechnology" ["language"]=> string(2) "en" ["date"]=> string(10) "2023-11-30" ["time_start"]=> string(5) "11:45" ["time_end"]=> string(5) "12:00" ["subtitle"]=> string(0) "" ["abstract"]=> string(0) "" ["abbr"]=> string(0) "" ["stage_name"]=> string(13) "en-tech Stage" ["presentation_booking_mode"]=> string(8) "optional" ["is_premium"]=> string(1) "0" ["is_top_keynote"]=> string(1) "0" ["preferences"]=> array(0) { } ["image_url"]=> string(64) "https://portal.fleet-events.de/de/uploads?path=sessions/3838.jpg" ["image_last_update"]=> int(1693392702) ["sold_out"]=> bool(false) ["booked_percent"]=> int(0) ["speakers"]=> array(1) { [0]=> array(16) { ["speaker_id"]=> string(4) "1868" ["company"]=> string(27) "IMT Masken und Teilungen AG" ["title"]=> string(3) "Dr." ["firstname"]=> string(9) "Christoph" ["lastname"]=> string(9) "Zellweger" ["jobtitle"]=> string(18) "Area Sales Manager" ["email"]=> string(19) "czellweger@imtag.ch" ["is_top_speaker"]=> int(0) ["highlight_speaker"]=> string(1) "0" ["photo_url"]=> string(70) "https://portal.fleet-events.de/de/uploads?path=1868/profile_xircus.jpg" ["photo_last_update"]=> int(1677228440) ["photo_special_url"]=> string(0) "" ["photo_special_last_update"]=> bool(false) ["photo_credits"]=> string(0) "" ["sort_order"]=> NULL ["sort_char"]=> string(1) "Z" } } ["customer"]=> array(2) { ["name"]=> string(27) "IMT Masken und Teilungen AG" ["logo"]=> string(0) "" } }
Photonics & Microtechnology by IVAM
11:45—12:00 Uhr
en-tech Stage
Christoph Zellweger
From Microtechnology to Photonics and back: Applying Microtechnology Processes in Photonics to provide unique solutions for Microtechnology

Dr. Christoph Zellweger
Area Sales Manager, IMT Masken und Teilungen AG

array(31) { ["presentation_id"]=> string(4) "3839" ["stage_id"]=> string(3) "394" ["event_id"]=> string(9) "290742023" ["event_location"]=> string(7) "Wetzlar" ["presentation_type_id"]=> string(3) "301" ["presentation_type_name"]=> string(32) "IVAM Photonics & Microtechnology" ["presentation_type_visible"]=> bool(true) ["main_topic_id"]=> string(3) "365" ["main_topic_name"]=> string(35) "Photonics & Microtechnology by IVAM" ["main_topic_color"]=> string(0) "" ["subevent_id"]=> NULL ["subevent_name"]=> NULL ["topic"]=> string(43) "Precision Alignment for miniaturized Optics" ["language"]=> string(2) "en" ["date"]=> string(10) "2023-11-30" ["time_start"]=> string(5) "12:00" ["time_end"]=> string(5) "12:15" ["subtitle"]=> string(0) "" ["abstract"]=> string(453) "Precision alignment is a general need in optical systems and can cover various technology fields, such as: - Housing and joining technology - Lens and prism centering - Alignment turning of lenses and interfaces - Gripping and positioning - Measurement technology for compensator settings FISBA is a market leader in optical components and customized optical systems. FISBA develop innovative glass technologies for shaping and delivering light." ["abbr"]=> string(0) "" ["stage_name"]=> string(13) "en-tech Stage" ["presentation_booking_mode"]=> string(8) "optional" ["is_premium"]=> string(1) "0" ["is_top_keynote"]=> string(1) "0" ["preferences"]=> array(0) { } ["image_url"]=> string(64) "https://portal.fleet-events.de/de/uploads?path=sessions/3839.jpg" ["image_last_update"]=> int(1693474338) ["sold_out"]=> bool(false) ["booked_percent"]=> int(0) ["speakers"]=> array(1) { [0]=> array(16) { ["speaker_id"]=> string(4) "2012" ["company"]=> string(8) "FISBA AG" ["title"]=> string(0) "" ["firstname"]=> string(7) "Michael" ["lastname"]=> string(8) "Graurock" ["jobtitle"]=> string(63) "Sales Manager FISBA AG / Managing Direktor FISBA Photonics GmbH" ["email"]=> string(26) "michael.graurock@fisba.com" ["is_top_speaker"]=> int(0) ["highlight_speaker"]=> string(1) "0" ["photo_url"]=> string(70) "https://portal.fleet-events.de/de/uploads?path=2012/profile_xircus.jpg" ["photo_last_update"]=> int(1694164148) ["photo_special_url"]=> string(0) "" ["photo_special_last_update"]=> bool(false) ["photo_credits"]=> string(0) "" ["sort_order"]=> NULL ["sort_char"]=> string(1) "G" } } ["customer"]=> array(2) { ["name"]=> string(5) "FISBA" ["logo"]=> string(66) "https://portal.fleet-events.de/de/uploads?path=C732098561/logo.jpg" } }
Photonics & Microtechnology by IVAM
12:00—12:15 Uhr
en-tech Stage
Michael Graurock
Precision Alignment for miniaturized Optics

Michael Graurock
Sales Manager FISBA AG / Managing Direktor FISBA Photonics GmbH, FISBA AG

Precision alignment is a general need in optical systems and can cover various technology fields, such as: - Housing and joining technology - Lens and prism centering - Alignment turning of lenses and interfaces - Gripping and positioning - Measurement technology for compensator settings FISBA is a market leader in optical components and customized optical systems. FISBA develop innovative glass technologies for shaping and delivering light.
array(30) { ["presentation_id"]=> string(4) "3956" ["stage_id"]=> string(3) "394" ["event_id"]=> string(9) "290742023" ["event_location"]=> string(7) "Wetzlar" ["presentation_type_id"]=> NULL ["presentation_type_name"]=> NULL ["presentation_type_visible"]=> bool(false) ["main_topic_id"]=> string(3) "365" ["main_topic_name"]=> string(35) "Photonics & Microtechnology by IVAM" ["main_topic_color"]=> string(0) "" ["subevent_id"]=> NULL ["subevent_name"]=> NULL ["topic"]=> string(67) "Magneto-optical systems made in Jena - making the invisible visible" ["language"]=> string(2) "en" ["date"]=> string(10) "2023-11-30" ["time_start"]=> string(5) "12:15" ["time_end"]=> string(5) "12:30" ["subtitle"]=> string(0) "" ["abstract"]=> string(577) "Matesy hat sich auf Visualisierung, Charakterisierung und Erzeugung magnetischer Felder spezialisiert. Die Kernkompetenz erstreckt sich über den gesamten Bereich des Magnetismus, vor allem - Magnet- und magnetooptische Messtechnik/Visualisierung und Vermessung magnetischer Felder, - 3D-Ortung und -Verfolgung magnetischer Partikel, - Überprüfung von magnetischen Sicherheitsmerkmalen und Materialentwicklung. Darüber hinaus bietet Matesy Technologien für die optische Struktur- und Profilmessung und die Drallprüfung an, die weltweit einzigartig sind." ["abbr"]=> string(0) "" ["stage_name"]=> string(13) "en-tech Stage" ["presentation_booking_mode"]=> string(8) "optional" ["is_premium"]=> string(1) "0" ["is_top_keynote"]=> string(1) "0" ["preferences"]=> array(0) { } ["image_url"]=> string(0) "" ["image_last_update"]=> string(0) "" ["sold_out"]=> bool(false) ["booked_percent"]=> int(0) ["speakers"]=> array(1) { [0]=> array(16) { ["speaker_id"]=> string(4) "2082" ["company"]=> string(11) "MATESY GmbH" ["title"]=> string(10) "Dipl.-Ing." ["firstname"]=> string(8) "Benjamin" ["lastname"]=> string(6) "Wenzel" ["jobtitle"]=> string(17) "Geschäftsführer" ["email"]=> string(18) "b.wenzel@matesy.de" ["is_top_speaker"]=> int(0) ["highlight_speaker"]=> string(1) "0" ["photo_url"]=> string(70) "https://portal.fleet-events.de/de/uploads?path=2082/profile_xircus.jpg" ["photo_last_update"]=> int(1697620353) ["photo_special_url"]=> string(0) "" ["photo_special_last_update"]=> bool(false) ["photo_credits"]=> string(0) "" ["sort_order"]=> NULL ["sort_char"]=> string(1) "W" } } }
Photonics & Microtechnology by IVAM
12:15—12:30 Uhr
en-tech Stage
Benjamin Wenzel
Magneto-optical systems made in Jena - making the invisible visible

Dipl.-Ing. Benjamin Wenzel
Geschäftsführer, MATESY GmbH

Matesy hat sich auf Visualisierung, Charakterisierung und Erzeugung magnetischer Felder spezialisiert. Die Kernkompetenz erstreckt sich über den gesamten Bereich des Magnetismus, vor allem - Magnet- und magnetooptische Messtechnik/Visualisierung und Vermessung magnetischer Felder, - 3D-Ortung und -Verfolgung magnetischer Partikel, - Überprüfung von magnetischen Sicherheitsmerkmalen und Materialentwicklung. Darüber hinaus bietet Matesy Technologien für die optische Struktur- und Profilmessung und die Drallprüfung an, die weltweit einzigartig sind.
array(30) { ["presentation_id"]=> string(4) "3843" ["stage_id"]=> string(3) "394" ["event_id"]=> string(9) "290742023" ["event_location"]=> string(7) "Wetzlar" ["presentation_type_id"]=> string(3) "304" ["presentation_type_name"]=> string(81) "Life Science Talk - Neuigkeiten und Angebote aus der MedTech- und BioTech-Branche" ["presentation_type_visible"]=> bool(true) ["main_topic_id"]=> string(3) "363" ["main_topic_name"]=> string(31) "Hightech-Trends/Medizin Technik" ["main_topic_color"]=> string(0) "" ["subevent_id"]=> NULL ["subevent_name"]=> NULL ["topic"]=> string(96) "Die Einhaltung regulatorischer Anforderungen mit Hilfe moderner IT-Systeme in der Medizintechnik" ["language"]=> string(2) "de" ["date"]=> string(10) "2023-11-30" ["time_start"]=> string(5) "13:30" ["time_end"]=> string(5) "13:50" ["subtitle"]=> string(0) "" ["abstract"]=> string(365) "Die Nutzung moderner IT-System kann Unternehmen helfen, regulatorische Anforderungen einfacher einzuhalten. Wie kann eine grundlegende Strategie aussehen und was bringen moderne IT-Lösungen heute mit? Welche IT-Systeme und Lösungen das sind und welche Regularien damit unterstützt werden zeigen wir Ihnen in diesem Vortrag am Beispiel der Lösungen von Aptean." ["abbr"]=> string(0) "" ["stage_name"]=> string(13) "en-tech Stage" ["presentation_booking_mode"]=> string(8) "optional" ["is_premium"]=> string(1) "0" ["is_top_keynote"]=> string(1) "0" ["preferences"]=> array(0) { } ["image_url"]=> string(64) "https://portal.fleet-events.de/de/uploads?path=sessions/3843.jpg" ["image_last_update"]=> int(1695299194) ["sold_out"]=> bool(false) ["booked_percent"]=> int(0) ["speakers"]=> array(1) { [0]=> array(16) { ["speaker_id"]=> string(4) "2019" ["company"]=> string(6) "Aptean" ["title"]=> string(0) "" ["firstname"]=> string(6) "Holger" ["lastname"]=> string(14) "Ranft-Rößler" ["jobtitle"]=> string(22) "Senior Account Manager" ["email"]=> string(32) "holger.ranft-roessler@aptean.com" ["is_top_speaker"]=> int(0) ["highlight_speaker"]=> string(1) "0" ["photo_url"]=> string(70) "https://portal.fleet-events.de/de/uploads?path=2019/profile_xircus.jpg" ["photo_last_update"]=> int(1695299121) ["photo_special_url"]=> string(0) "" ["photo_special_last_update"]=> bool(false) ["photo_credits"]=> string(0) "" ["sort_order"]=> NULL ["sort_char"]=> string(1) "R" } } }
Hightech-Trends/Medizin Technik
13:30—13:50 Uhr
en-tech Stage
Holger Ranft-Rößler
Die Einhaltung regulatorischer Anforderungen mit Hilfe moderner IT-Systeme in der Medizintechnik

Holger Ranft-Rößler
Senior Account Manager, Aptean

Die Nutzung moderner IT-System kann Unternehmen helfen, regulatorische Anforderungen einfacher einzuhalten. Wie kann eine grundlegende Strategie aussehen und was bringen moderne IT-Lösungen heute mit? Welche IT-Systeme und Lösungen das sind und welche Regularien damit unterstützt werden zeigen wir Ihnen in diesem Vortrag am Beispiel der Lösungen von Aptean.
array(30) { ["presentation_id"]=> string(4) "3896" ["stage_id"]=> string(3) "394" ["event_id"]=> string(9) "290742023" ["event_location"]=> string(7) "Wetzlar" ["presentation_type_id"]=> string(3) "302" ["presentation_type_name"]=> string(32) "Hightech-Trends/ Medizin Technik" ["presentation_type_visible"]=> bool(true) ["main_topic_id"]=> string(3) "363" ["main_topic_name"]=> string(31) "Hightech-Trends/Medizin Technik" ["main_topic_color"]=> string(0) "" ["subevent_id"]=> NULL ["subevent_name"]=> NULL ["topic"]=> string(103) "Omnifunctional quantum-inspired fiber sensor platform for medical imaging and infrastructure monitoring" ["language"]=> string(2) "en" ["date"]=> string(10) "2023-11-30" ["time_start"]=> string(5) "13:50" ["time_end"]=> string(5) "14:30" ["subtitle"]=> string(0) "" ["abstract"]=> string(666) "QUANTIFISENS - a regional alliance of industry and research - aims to establish a 'quantum-inspired, omnifunctional fibre sensor platform' in order to provide customised, fully integrated sensor solutions for a wide range of applications in different markets. The two main markets that the alliance wants to address are medical imaging and infrastructure monitoring. Therefore current project results will be presented in following presentations: Optical biopsy with fiber-optic sensors for biomedical imaging Dr. Bernhard Messerschmidt, GRINTECH GmbH Advanced infrastructure monitoring by fibre optic sensing solutions Ali Alloush, LUNA Innovations Inc." ["abbr"]=> string(0) "" ["stage_name"]=> string(13) "en-tech Stage" ["presentation_booking_mode"]=> string(8) "optional" ["is_premium"]=> string(1) "0" ["is_top_keynote"]=> string(1) "0" ["preferences"]=> array(0) { } ["image_url"]=> string(64) "https://portal.fleet-events.de/de/uploads?path=sessions/3896.jpg" ["image_last_update"]=> int(1694673703) ["sold_out"]=> bool(false) ["booked_percent"]=> int(0) ["speakers"]=> array(1) { [0]=> array(16) { ["speaker_id"]=> string(3) "473" ["company"]=> string(4) "FBGS" ["title"]=> string(3) "Dr." ["firstname"]=> string(4) "Eric" ["lastname"]=> string(7) "Lindner" ["jobtitle"]=> string(3) "CEO" ["email"]=> string(17) "elindner@fbgs.com" ["is_top_speaker"]=> int(0) ["highlight_speaker"]=> string(1) "0" ["photo_url"]=> string(69) "https://portal.fleet-events.de/de/uploads?path=473/profile_xircus.jpg" ["photo_last_update"]=> int(1695276899) ["photo_special_url"]=> string(0) "" ["photo_special_last_update"]=> bool(false) ["photo_credits"]=> string(0) "" ["sort_order"]=> NULL ["sort_char"]=> string(1) "L" } } }
Hightech-Trends/Medizin Technik
13:50—14:30 Uhr
en-tech Stage
Eric Lindner
Omnifunctional quantum-inspired fiber sensor platform for medical imaging and infrastructure monitoring

Dr. Eric Lindner

QUANTIFISENS - a regional alliance of industry and research - aims to establish a 'quantum-inspired, omnifunctional fibre sensor platform' in order to provide customised, fully integrated sensor solutions for a wide range of applications in different markets. The two main markets that the alliance wants to address are medical imaging and infrastructure monitoring. Therefore current project results will be presented in following presentations: Optical biopsy with fiber-optic sensors for biomedical imaging Dr. Bernhard Messerschmidt, GRINTECH GmbH Advanced infrastructure monitoring by fibre optic sensing solutions Ali Alloush, LUNA Innovations Inc.
array(30) { ["presentation_id"]=> string(4) "4229" ["stage_id"]=> string(3) "394" ["event_id"]=> string(9) "290742023" ["event_location"]=> string(7) "Wetzlar" ["presentation_type_id"]=> string(3) "270" ["presentation_type_name"]=> string(12) "en-tech.talk" ["presentation_type_visible"]=> bool(true) ["main_topic_id"]=> string(3) "429" ["main_topic_name"]=> string(44) "Optical Components & Industrial Applications" ["main_topic_color"]=> string(0) "" ["subevent_id"]=> NULL ["subevent_name"]=> NULL ["topic"]=> string(89) "High Contrast IR-VIS Broad-Band Calibration Targets with Acktars Light absorbing Coatings" ["language"]=> string(2) "de" ["date"]=> string(10) "2023-11-30" ["time_start"]=> string(5) "14:30" ["time_end"]=> string(5) "14:50" ["subtitle"]=> string(0) "" ["abstract"]=> string(0) "" ["abbr"]=> string(0) "" ["stage_name"]=> string(13) "en-tech Stage" ["presentation_booking_mode"]=> string(8) "optional" ["is_premium"]=> string(1) "0" ["is_top_keynote"]=> string(1) "0" ["preferences"]=> array(0) { } ["image_url"]=> string(64) "https://portal.fleet-events.de/de/uploads?path=sessions/4229.jpg" ["image_last_update"]=> int(1697618604) ["sold_out"]=> bool(false) ["booked_percent"]=> int(0) ["speakers"]=> array(1) { [0]=> array(16) { ["speaker_id"]=> string(3) "242" ["company"]=> string(26) "Acktar (ACM Coatings GmbH)" ["title"]=> string(0) "" ["firstname"]=> string(9) "Alexander" ["lastname"]=> string(5) "Telle" ["jobtitle"]=> string(3) "CEO" ["email"]=> string(25) "alexander.telle@acktar.de" ["is_top_speaker"]=> int(0) ["highlight_speaker"]=> string(1) "0" ["photo_url"]=> string(69) "https://portal.fleet-events.de/de/uploads?path=242/profile_xircus.jpg" ["photo_last_update"]=> int(1623060819) ["photo_special_url"]=> string(0) "" ["photo_special_last_update"]=> int(1627393855) ["photo_credits"]=> string(0) "" ["sort_order"]=> NULL ["sort_char"]=> string(1) "T" } } }
Optical Components & Industrial Applications
14:30—14:50 Uhr
en-tech Stage
Alexander Telle
High Contrast IR-VIS Broad-Band Calibration Targets with Acktars Light absorbing Coatings

Alexander Telle
CEO, Acktar (ACM Coatings GmbH)

array(30) { ["presentation_id"]=> string(4) "4230" ["stage_id"]=> string(3) "394" ["event_id"]=> string(9) "290742023" ["event_location"]=> string(7) "Wetzlar" ["presentation_type_id"]=> string(3) "270" ["presentation_type_name"]=> string(12) "en-tech.talk" ["presentation_type_visible"]=> bool(true) ["main_topic_id"]=> string(3) "429" ["main_topic_name"]=> string(44) "Optical Components & Industrial Applications" ["main_topic_color"]=> string(0) "" ["subevent_id"]=> NULL ["subevent_name"]=> NULL ["topic"]=> string(90) "Wie Polfilter dem Entwickler das Leben leichter machen: Anwendungsbeispiele aus der Praxis" ["language"]=> string(2) "de" ["date"]=> string(10) "2023-11-30" ["time_start"]=> string(5) "14:50" ["time_end"]=> string(5) "15:10" ["subtitle"]=> string(0) "" ["abstract"]=> string(0) "" ["abbr"]=> string(0) "" ["stage_name"]=> string(13) "en-tech Stage" ["presentation_booking_mode"]=> string(8) "optional" ["is_premium"]=> string(1) "0" ["is_top_keynote"]=> string(1) "0" ["preferences"]=> array(0) { } ["image_url"]=> string(64) "https://portal.fleet-events.de/de/uploads?path=sessions/4230.jpg" ["image_last_update"]=> int(1697618706) ["sold_out"]=> bool(false) ["booked_percent"]=> int(0) ["speakers"]=> array(1) { [0]=> array(16) { ["speaker_id"]=> string(4) "2130" ["company"]=> string(9) "CODIXX AG" ["title"]=> string(0) "" ["firstname"]=> string(7) "Mathias" ["lastname"]=> string(4) "Bode" ["jobtitle"]=> string(0) "" ["email"]=> string(14) "bode@codixx.de" ["is_top_speaker"]=> int(0) ["highlight_speaker"]=> string(1) "0" ["photo_url"]=> string(70) "https://portal.fleet-events.de/de/uploads?path=2130/profile_xircus.jpg" ["photo_last_update"]=> int(1697709993) ["photo_special_url"]=> string(0) "" ["photo_special_last_update"]=> bool(false) ["photo_credits"]=> string(0) "" ["sort_order"]=> NULL ["sort_char"]=> string(1) "B" } } }
Optical Components & Industrial Applications
14:50—15:10 Uhr
en-tech Stage
Mathias Bode
Wie Polfilter dem Entwickler das Leben leichter machen: Anwendungsbeispiele aus der Praxis

Mathias Bode

array(30) { ["presentation_id"]=> string(4) "4231" ["stage_id"]=> string(3) "394" ["event_id"]=> string(9) "290742023" ["event_location"]=> string(7) "Wetzlar" ["presentation_type_id"]=> string(3) "270" ["presentation_type_name"]=> string(12) "en-tech.talk" ["presentation_type_visible"]=> bool(true) ["main_topic_id"]=> string(3) "429" ["main_topic_name"]=> string(44) "Optical Components & Industrial Applications" ["main_topic_color"]=> string(0) "" ["subevent_id"]=> NULL ["subevent_name"]=> NULL ["topic"]=> string(54) "Prozessorientierte Reinigung aus Sicht eines Anwenders" ["language"]=> string(2) "de" ["date"]=> string(10) "2023-11-30" ["time_start"]=> string(5) "15:10" ["time_end"]=> string(5) "15:30" ["subtitle"]=> string(0) "" ["abstract"]=> string(262) "Kundenspezifische Lösungen für die industrielle Feinstreinigung; eine Herausforderung für die Ecoclean/UCM immer die geeignete Anlage mit dem angepassten Prozess und Verfahren, sowie reproduzierbare, stabile Reinheitsanforderungen anbieten und erfüllen kann." ["abbr"]=> string(0) "" ["stage_name"]=> string(13) "en-tech Stage" ["presentation_booking_mode"]=> string(8) "optional" ["is_premium"]=> string(1) "0" ["is_top_keynote"]=> string(1) "0" ["preferences"]=> array(0) { } ["image_url"]=> string(64) "https://portal.fleet-events.de/de/uploads?path=sessions/4231.jpg" ["image_last_update"]=> int(1697627869) ["sold_out"]=> bool(false) ["booked_percent"]=> int(0) ["speakers"]=> array(2) { [0]=> array(16) { ["speaker_id"]=> string(4) "2129" ["company"]=> string(41) "UCM AG | Member of the SBS Ecoclean Group" ["title"]=> string(0) "" ["firstname"]=> string(7) "Andreas" ["lastname"]=> string(4) "Netz" ["jobtitle"]=> string(13) "Sales Manager" ["email"]=> string(17) "A.Netz@ucm-ag.com" ["is_top_speaker"]=> int(0) ["highlight_speaker"]=> string(1) "0" ["photo_url"]=> string(70) "https://portal.fleet-events.de/de/uploads?path=2129/profile_xircus.jpg" ["photo_last_update"]=> int(1699438218) ["photo_special_url"]=> string(0) "" ["photo_special_last_update"]=> bool(false) ["photo_credits"]=> string(0) "" ["sort_order"]=> NULL ["sort_char"]=> string(1) "N" } [1]=> array(16) { ["speaker_id"]=> string(4) "2133" ["company"]=> string(20) "SAFECHEM Europe GmbH" ["title"]=> string(0) "" ["firstname"]=> string(7) "Michael" ["lastname"]=> string(5) "Onken" ["jobtitle"]=> string(26) "Market Development Manager" ["email"]=> string(20) "m.onken@safechem.com" ["is_top_speaker"]=> int(0) ["highlight_speaker"]=> string(1) "0" ["photo_url"]=> string(70) "https://portal.fleet-events.de/de/uploads?path=2133/profile_xircus.jpg" ["photo_last_update"]=> int(1699428298) ["photo_special_url"]=> string(0) "" ["photo_special_last_update"]=> bool(false) ["photo_credits"]=> string(0) "" ["sort_order"]=> NULL ["sort_char"]=> string(1) "O" } } }
Optical Components & Industrial Applications
15:10—15:30 Uhr
en-tech Stage
Andreas Netz
Michael Onken
Prozessorientierte Reinigung aus Sicht eines Anwenders

Andreas Netz
Sales Manager, UCM AG | Member of the SBS Ecoclean Group

Kundenspezifische Lösungen für die industrielle Feinstreinigung; eine Herausforderung für die Ecoclean/UCM immer die geeignete Anlage mit dem angepassten Prozess und Verfahren, sowie reproduzierbare, stabile Reinheitsanforderungen anbieten und erfüllen kann.

Michael Onken
Market Development Manager, SAFECHEM Europe GmbH

SAFECHEM ist Ihr Partner für die Reinigung optischer Komponenten mit einem umfassenden Portfolio aus wässrigen Reinigern und Lösemitteln sowie technischer Beratung mit kundenspezifischen Lösungen. Im Vortrag wird dies anhand eines Kundenbeispiels gezeigt.

array(30) { ["presentation_id"]=> string(4) "4232" ["stage_id"]=> string(3) "394" ["event_id"]=> string(9) "290742023" ["event_location"]=> string(7) "Wetzlar" ["presentation_type_id"]=> string(3) "270" ["presentation_type_name"]=> string(12) "en-tech.talk" ["presentation_type_visible"]=> bool(true) ["main_topic_id"]=> string(3) "429" ["main_topic_name"]=> string(44) "Optical Components & Industrial Applications" ["main_topic_color"]=> string(0) "" ["subevent_id"]=> NULL ["subevent_name"]=> NULL ["topic"]=> string(108) "Industrie 4.0 braucht Vakuum - VACOM ist Industrie 4.0 - Der Weg zur ersten mitteldeutschen digitalen Fabrik" ["language"]=> string(2) "de" ["date"]=> string(10) "2023-11-30" ["time_start"]=> string(5) "15:30" ["time_end"]=> string(5) "15:50" ["subtitle"]=> string(0) "" ["abstract"]=> string(214) "Industrie 4.0 ist in aller Munde - VACOM macht es (möglich). In unserem Vortrag beleuchten wir die Rolle der Vakuumtechnologie als High-Tec-Enabler und wie VACOM eine vollständig vernetzte Fabrik umgesetzt hat." ["abbr"]=> string(0) "" ["stage_name"]=> string(13) "en-tech Stage" ["presentation_booking_mode"]=> string(8) "optional" ["is_premium"]=> string(1) "0" ["is_top_keynote"]=> string(1) "0" ["preferences"]=> array(0) { } ["image_url"]=> string(64) "https://portal.fleet-events.de/de/uploads?path=sessions/4232.jpg" ["image_last_update"]=> int(1697618990) ["sold_out"]=> bool(false) ["booked_percent"]=> int(0) ["speakers"]=> array(2) { [0]=> array(16) { ["speaker_id"]=> string(4) "2131" ["company"]=> string(43) "VACOM Vakuum Komponenten & Messtechnik GmbH" ["title"]=> string(3) "Dr." ["firstname"]=> string(5) "Klaus" ["lastname"]=> string(7) "Bergner" ["jobtitle"]=> string(3) "CTO" ["email"]=> string(22) "Klaus.Bergner@vacom.de" ["is_top_speaker"]=> int(0) ["highlight_speaker"]=> string(1) "0" ["photo_url"]=> string(70) "https://portal.fleet-events.de/de/uploads?path=2131/profile_xircus.jpg" ["photo_last_update"]=> int(1699428235) ["photo_special_url"]=> string(0) "" ["photo_special_last_update"]=> bool(false) ["photo_credits"]=> string(0) "" ["sort_order"]=> NULL ["sort_char"]=> string(1) "B" } [1]=> array(16) { ["speaker_id"]=> string(4) "2132" ["company"]=> string(43) "VACOM Vakuum Komponenten & Messtechnik GmbH" ["title"]=> string(0) "" ["firstname"]=> string(5) "Kevin" ["lastname"]=> string(6) "Mahler" ["jobtitle"]=> string(3) "COO" ["email"]=> string(21) "Kevin.Mahler@vacom.de" ["is_top_speaker"]=> int(0) ["highlight_speaker"]=> string(1) "0" ["photo_url"]=> string(70) "https://portal.fleet-events.de/de/uploads?path=2132/profile_xircus.jpg" ["photo_last_update"]=> int(1699354043) ["photo_special_url"]=> string(0) "" ["photo_special_last_update"]=> bool(false) ["photo_credits"]=> string(0) "" ["sort_order"]=> NULL ["sort_char"]=> string(1) "M" } } }
Optical Components & Industrial Applications
15:30—15:50 Uhr
en-tech Stage
Klaus Bergner
Kevin Mahler
Industrie 4.0 braucht Vakuum - VACOM ist Industrie 4.0 - Der Weg zur ersten mitteldeutschen digitalen Fabrik

Dr. Klaus Bergner
CTO, VACOM Vakuum Komponenten & Messtechnik GmbH

Kevin Mahler
COO, VACOM Vakuum Komponenten & Messtechnik GmbH

Industrie 4.0 ist in aller Munde - VACOM macht es (möglich). In unserem Vortrag beleuchten wir die Rolle der Vakuumtechnologie als High-Tec-Enabler und wie VACOM eine vollständig vernetzte Fabrik umgesetzt hat.
Mittwoch, 25. September 2024
array(29) { ["presentation_id"]=> string(4) "4831" ["stage_id"]=> NULL ["event_id"]=> string(9) "290742024" ["event_location"]=> NULL ["presentation_type_id"]=> string(3) "486" ["presentation_type_name"]=> string(12) "en-tech.talk" ["presentation_type_visible"]=> bool(true) ["main_topic_id"]=> NULL ["main_topic_name"]=> NULL ["main_topic_color"]=> string(0) "" ["subevent_id"]=> NULL ["subevent_name"]=> NULL ["topic"]=> string(44) "Offizielle Eröffnung der W3+ Fair Jena 2024" ["language"]=> string(2) "de" ["date"]=> string(10) "2024-09-25" ["time_start"]=> string(5) "09:45" ["time_end"]=> string(5) "10:30" ["subtitle"]=> string(0) "" ["abstract"]=> string(0) "" ["abbr"]=> string(0) "" ["stage_name"]=> string(0) "" ["presentation_booking_mode"]=> string(8) "optional" ["is_premium"]=> string(1) "0" ["is_top_keynote"]=> string(1) "0" ["preferences"]=> array(0) { } ["image_url"]=> string(64) "https://portal.fleet-events.de/de/uploads?path=sessions/4831.jpg" ["image_last_update"]=> int(1718187245) ["sold_out"]=> bool(false) ["booked_percent"]=> int(0) }
09:45—10:30 Uhr
Offizielle Eröffnung der W3+ Fair Jena 2024
array(30) { ["presentation_id"]=> string(4) "4923" ["stage_id"]=> string(3) "519" ["event_id"]=> string(9) "290742024" ["event_location"]=> NULL ["presentation_type_id"]=> NULL ["presentation_type_name"]=> NULL ["presentation_type_visible"]=> bool(false) ["main_topic_id"]=> string(3) "500" ["main_topic_name"]=> string(67) "EPIC TechWatch - “Challenges and Solutions from and for Europe”" ["main_topic_color"]=> string(7) "#e94e52" ["subevent_id"]=> NULL ["subevent_name"]=> NULL ["topic"]=> string(3) "tba" ["language"]=> string(2) "en" ["date"]=> string(10) "2024-09-25" ["time_start"]=> string(5) "10:25" ["time_end"]=> string(5) "10:35" ["subtitle"]=> string(0) "" ["abstract"]=> string(0) "" ["abbr"]=> string(0) "" ["stage_name"]=> string(13) "en-tech Stage" ["presentation_booking_mode"]=> string(8) "optional" ["is_premium"]=> string(1) "0" ["is_top_keynote"]=> string(1) "0" ["preferences"]=> array(0) { } ["image_url"]=> string(0) "" ["image_last_update"]=> string(0) "" ["sold_out"]=> bool(false) ["booked_percent"]=> int(0) ["speakers"]=> array(1) { [0]=> array(16) { ["speaker_id"]=> string(4) "2334" ["company"]=> string(0) "" ["title"]=> string(0) "" ["firstname"]=> string(0) "" ["lastname"]=> string(0) "" ["jobtitle"]=> string(0) "" ["email"]=> string(0) "" ["is_top_speaker"]=> int(0) ["highlight_speaker"]=> string(1) "0" ["photo_url"]=> string(0) "" ["photo_last_update"]=> string(0) "" ["photo_special_url"]=> string(0) "" ["photo_special_last_update"]=> string(0) "" ["photo_credits"]=> string(0) "" ["sort_order"]=> NULL ["sort_char"]=> string(0) "" } } }
EPIC TechWatch - “Challenges and Solutions from and for Europe”
10:25—10:35 Uhr
en-tech Stage


array(29) { ["presentation_id"]=> string(4) "4832" ["stage_id"]=> string(3) "519" ["event_id"]=> string(9) "290742024" ["event_location"]=> NULL ["presentation_type_id"]=> string(3) "486" ["presentation_type_name"]=> string(12) "en-tech.talk" ["presentation_type_visible"]=> bool(true) ["main_topic_id"]=> NULL ["main_topic_name"]=> NULL ["main_topic_color"]=> string(0) "" ["subevent_id"]=> NULL ["subevent_name"]=> NULL ["topic"]=> string(78) "Wirtschaftsrundgang mit der Politik, Wirtschaft, Verbänden & Pressevertretern" ["language"]=> string(2) "de" ["date"]=> string(10) "2024-09-25" ["time_start"]=> string(5) "10:30" ["time_end"]=> string(5) "11:00" ["subtitle"]=> string(53) "geführt von Jörg Brück, Project Director W3+ Fair " ["abstract"]=> string(0) "" ["abbr"]=> string(0) "" ["stage_name"]=> string(13) "en-tech Stage" ["presentation_booking_mode"]=> string(8) "optional" ["is_premium"]=> string(1) "0" ["is_top_keynote"]=> string(1) "0" ["preferences"]=> array(0) { } ["image_url"]=> string(64) "https://portal.fleet-events.de/de/uploads?path=sessions/4832.jpg" ["image_last_update"]=> int(1718187899) ["sold_out"]=> bool(false) ["booked_percent"]=> int(0) }
10:30—11:00 Uhr
en-tech Stage
Wirtschaftsrundgang mit der Politik, Wirtschaft, Verbänden & Pressevertretern
geführt von Jörg Brück, Project Director W3+ Fair
array(30) { ["presentation_id"]=> string(4) "4833" ["stage_id"]=> string(3) "519" ["event_id"]=> string(9) "290742024" ["event_location"]=> NULL ["presentation_type_id"]=> string(3) "486" ["presentation_type_name"]=> string(12) "en-tech.talk" ["presentation_type_visible"]=> bool(true) ["main_topic_id"]=> string(3) "505" ["main_topic_name"]=> string(33) "Innovations are shaping the world" ["main_topic_color"]=> string(7) "#38b1b9" ["subevent_id"]=> NULL ["subevent_name"]=> NULL ["topic"]=> string(65) "Harnessing extreme photon stages/Herausforderungen im Optikdesign" ["language"]=> string(2) "de" ["date"]=> string(10) "2024-09-25" ["time_start"]=> string(5) "11:00" ["time_end"]=> string(5) "11:20" ["subtitle"]=> string(28) "moderiert von Anke Siegmeier" ["abstract"]=> string(0) "" ["abbr"]=> string(0) "" ["stage_name"]=> string(13) "en-tech Stage" ["presentation_booking_mode"]=> string(8) "optional" ["is_premium"]=> string(1) "0" ["is_top_keynote"]=> string(1) "0" ["preferences"]=> array(0) { } ["image_url"]=> string(0) "" ["image_last_update"]=> string(0) "" ["sold_out"]=> bool(false) ["booked_percent"]=> int(0) ["speakers"]=> array(1) { [0]=> array(16) { ["speaker_id"]=> string(4) "2385" ["company"]=> string(34) "TRUMPF Laser- und Systemtechnik AG" ["title"]=> string(3) "Dr." ["firstname"]=> string(6) "Daniel" ["lastname"]=> string(5) "Flamm" ["jobtitle"]=> string(38) "TRUMPF Principal Expert Optical Design" ["email"]=> string(23) "daniel.flamm@trumpf.com" ["is_top_speaker"]=> int(0) ["highlight_speaker"]=> string(1) "0" ["photo_url"]=> string(70) "https://portal.fleet-events.de/de/uploads?path=2385/profile_xircus.jpg" ["photo_last_update"]=> int(1718190203) ["photo_special_url"]=> string(0) "" ["photo_special_last_update"]=> bool(false) ["photo_credits"]=> string(0) "" ["sort_order"]=> NULL ["sort_char"]=> string(1) "F" } } }
Innovations are shaping the world
11:00—11:20 Uhr
en-tech Stage
Daniel Flamm
Harnessing extreme photon stages/Herausforderungen im Optikdesign
moderiert von Anke Siegmeier

Dr. Daniel Flamm
TRUMPF Principal Expert Optical Design, TRUMPF Laser- und Systemtechnik AG

array(30) { ["presentation_id"]=> string(4) "4865" ["stage_id"]=> string(3) "519" ["event_id"]=> string(9) "290742024" ["event_location"]=> NULL ["presentation_type_id"]=> NULL ["presentation_type_name"]=> NULL ["presentation_type_visible"]=> bool(false) ["main_topic_id"]=> string(3) "505" ["main_topic_name"]=> string(33) "Innovations are shaping the world" ["main_topic_color"]=> string(7) "#38b1b9" ["subevent_id"]=> NULL ["subevent_name"]=> NULL ["topic"]=> string(38) "Automatisierung in extremen Umgebungen" ["language"]=> string(2) "de" ["date"]=> string(10) "2024-09-25" ["time_start"]=> string(5) "11:20" ["time_end"]=> string(5) "11:40" ["subtitle"]=> string(0) "" ["abstract"]=> string(0) "" ["abbr"]=> string(0) "" ["stage_name"]=> string(13) "en-tech Stage" ["presentation_booking_mode"]=> string(8) "optional" ["is_premium"]=> string(1) "0" ["is_top_keynote"]=> string(1) "0" ["preferences"]=> array(0) { } ["image_url"]=> string(0) "" ["image_last_update"]=> string(0) "" ["sold_out"]=> bool(false) ["booked_percent"]=> int(0) ["speakers"]=> array(1) { [0]=> array(16) { ["speaker_id"]=> string(4) "2393" ["company"]=> string(9) "Fabmatics" ["title"]=> string(0) "" ["firstname"]=> string(3) "Jan" ["lastname"]=> string(7) "Klinger" ["jobtitle"]=> string(43) "Vice President Sales & Business Development" ["email"]=> string(25) "jan.klinger@fabmatics.com" ["is_top_speaker"]=> int(0) ["highlight_speaker"]=> string(1) "0" ["photo_url"]=> string(70) "https://portal.fleet-events.de/de/uploads?path=2393/profile_xircus.jpg" ["photo_last_update"]=> bool(false) ["photo_special_url"]=> string(0) "" ["photo_special_last_update"]=> bool(false) ["photo_credits"]=> string(0) "" ["sort_order"]=> NULL ["sort_char"]=> string(1) "K" } } }
Innovations are shaping the world
11:20—11:40 Uhr
en-tech Stage
Jan Klinger
Automatisierung in extremen Umgebungen

Jan Klinger
Vice President Sales & Business Development, Fabmatics

array(30) { ["presentation_id"]=> string(4) "4909" ["stage_id"]=> string(3) "519" ["event_id"]=> string(9) "290742024" ["event_location"]=> NULL ["presentation_type_id"]=> string(3) "486" ["presentation_type_name"]=> string(12) "en-tech.talk" ["presentation_type_visible"]=> bool(true) ["main_topic_id"]=> string(3) "505" ["main_topic_name"]=> string(33) "Innovations are shaping the world" ["main_topic_color"]=> string(7) "#38b1b9" ["subevent_id"]=> NULL ["subevent_name"]=> NULL ["topic"]=> string(51) "HighTech in Europa – was bringen wir an den Tisch" ["language"]=> string(2) "de" ["date"]=> string(10) "2024-09-25" ["time_start"]=> string(5) "11:40" ["time_end"]=> string(5) "12:00" ["subtitle"]=> string(0) "" ["abstract"]=> string(0) "" ["abbr"]=> string(0) "" ["stage_name"]=> string(13) "en-tech Stage" ["presentation_booking_mode"]=> string(8) "optional" ["is_premium"]=> string(1) "0" ["is_top_keynote"]=> string(1) "0" ["preferences"]=> array(0) { } ["image_url"]=> string(0) "" ["image_last_update"]=> string(0) "" ["sold_out"]=> bool(false) ["booked_percent"]=> int(0) ["speakers"]=> array(1) { [0]=> array(16) { ["speaker_id"]=> string(4) "2428" ["company"]=> string(24) "Infineon Technologies AG" ["title"]=> string(0) "" ["firstname"]=> string(4) "Anja" ["lastname"]=> string(7) "Boelitz" ["jobtitle"]=> string(53) "Senior Director Public Policy | Head of Berlin Office" ["email"]=> string(25) "Anja.Boelitz@infineon.com" ["is_top_speaker"]=> int(0) ["highlight_speaker"]=> string(1) "0" ["photo_url"]=> string(70) "https://portal.fleet-events.de/de/uploads?path=2428/profile_xircus.jpg" ["photo_last_update"]=> int(1720087102) ["photo_special_url"]=> string(0) "" ["photo_special_last_update"]=> bool(false) ["photo_credits"]=> string(0) "" ["sort_order"]=> NULL ["sort_char"]=> string(1) "B" } } }
Innovations are shaping the world
11:40—12:00 Uhr
en-tech Stage
Anja Boelitz
HighTech in Europa – was bringen wir an den Tisch

Anja Boelitz
Senior Director Public Policy | Head of Berlin Office, Infineon Technologies AG

array(30) { ["presentation_id"]=> string(4) "4910" ["stage_id"]=> string(3) "519" ["event_id"]=> string(9) "290742024" ["event_location"]=> NULL ["presentation_type_id"]=> string(3) "486" ["presentation_type_name"]=> string(12) "en-tech.talk" ["presentation_type_visible"]=> bool(true) ["main_topic_id"]=> string(3) "507" ["main_topic_name"]=> string(18) "Quantentechnologie" ["main_topic_color"]=> string(7) "#f39768" ["subevent_id"]=> NULL ["subevent_name"]=> NULL ["topic"]=> string(54) "Übersicht Quantentechnologie (inkl. Quantencomputing)" ["language"]=> string(2) "de" ["date"]=> string(10) "2024-09-25" ["time_start"]=> string(5) "13:45" ["time_end"]=> string(5) "15:00" ["subtitle"]=> string(0) "" ["abstract"]=> string(0) "" ["abbr"]=> string(0) "" ["stage_name"]=> string(13) "en-tech Stage" ["presentation_booking_mode"]=> string(8) "optional" ["is_premium"]=> string(1) "0" ["is_top_keynote"]=> string(1) "0" ["preferences"]=> array(0) { } ["image_url"]=> string(0) "" ["image_last_update"]=> string(0) "" ["sold_out"]=> bool(false) ["booked_percent"]=> int(0) ["speakers"]=> array(1) { [0]=> array(16) { ["speaker_id"]=> string(4) "2424" ["company"]=> string(0) "" ["title"]=> string(3) "Dr." ["firstname"]=> string(6) "Fabian" ["lastname"]=> string(12) "Steinlechner" ["jobtitle"]=> string(0) "" ["email"]=> string(37) "Fabian.Steinlechner@iof.fraunhofer.de" ["is_top_speaker"]=> int(0) ["highlight_speaker"]=> string(1) "0" ["photo_url"]=> string(70) "https://portal.fleet-events.de/de/uploads?path=2424/profile_xircus.jpg" ["photo_last_update"]=> int(1720087193) ["photo_special_url"]=> string(0) "" ["photo_special_last_update"]=> bool(false) ["photo_credits"]=> string(0) "" ["sort_order"]=> NULL ["sort_char"]=> string(1) "S" } } }
13:45—15:00 Uhr
en-tech Stage
Fabian Steinlechner
Übersicht Quantentechnologie (inkl. Quantencomputing)

Dr. Fabian Steinlechner

array(30) { ["presentation_id"]=> string(4) "4911" ["stage_id"]=> string(3) "519" ["event_id"]=> string(9) "290742024" ["event_location"]=> NULL ["presentation_type_id"]=> string(3) "486" ["presentation_type_name"]=> string(12) "en-tech.talk" ["presentation_type_visible"]=> bool(true) ["main_topic_id"]=> string(3) "507" ["main_topic_name"]=> string(18) "Quantentechnologie" ["main_topic_color"]=> string(7) "#f39768" ["subevent_id"]=> NULL ["subevent_name"]=> NULL ["topic"]=> string(23) "Quantenimaging/ Sensing" ["language"]=> string(2) "de" ["date"]=> string(10) "2024-09-25" ["time_start"]=> string(5) "13:45" ["time_end"]=> string(5) "15:00" ["subtitle"]=> string(0) "" ["abstract"]=> string(0) "" ["abbr"]=> string(0) "" ["stage_name"]=> string(13) "en-tech Stage" ["presentation_booking_mode"]=> string(8) "optional" ["is_premium"]=> string(1) "0" ["is_top_keynote"]=> string(1) "0" ["preferences"]=> array(0) { } ["image_url"]=> string(0) "" ["image_last_update"]=> string(0) "" ["sold_out"]=> bool(false) ["booked_percent"]=> int(0) ["speakers"]=> array(1) { [0]=> array(16) { ["speaker_id"]=> string(4) "2426" ["company"]=> string(0) "" ["title"]=> string(9) "Prof. Dr." ["firstname"]=> string(7) "Jürgen" ["lastname"]=> string(4) "Popp" ["jobtitle"]=> string(0) "" ["email"]=> string(24) "juergen.popp@uni-jena.de" ["is_top_speaker"]=> int(0) ["highlight_speaker"]=> string(1) "0" ["photo_url"]=> string(70) "https://portal.fleet-events.de/de/uploads?path=2426/profile_xircus.jpg" ["photo_last_update"]=> int(1720087169) ["photo_special_url"]=> string(0) "" ["photo_special_last_update"]=> bool(false) ["photo_credits"]=> string(0) "" ["sort_order"]=> NULL ["sort_char"]=> string(1) "P" } } }
13:45—15:00 Uhr
en-tech Stage
Jürgen Popp
Quantenimaging/ Sensing

Prof. Dr. Jürgen Popp

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13:45—15:00 Uhr
en-tech Stage
Kevin Füchsel

Dr. Kevin Füchsel

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13:45—15:00 Uhr
en-tech Stage
Matthias Goy
Claudia Reinlein
Adaptive Techniken für Laser- und Quantenkommunikation

Dr. Matthias Goy

Dr.-Ing. Claudia Reinlein
Founder and Managing Director (Germany), ROBUST AO

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13:45—15:00 Uhr
en-tech Stage
Jan Meijer

Prof. Dr. Jan Meijer
CTO, SaxonQ

Donnerstag, 26. September 2024
array(29) { ["presentation_id"]=> string(4) "4837" ["stage_id"]=> string(3) "519" ["event_id"]=> string(9) "290742024" ["event_location"]=> NULL ["presentation_type_id"]=> string(3) "486" ["presentation_type_name"]=> string(12) "en-tech.talk" ["presentation_type_visible"]=> bool(true) ["main_topic_id"]=> string(3) "500" ["main_topic_name"]=> string(67) "EPIC TechWatch - “Challenges and Solutions from and for Europe”" ["main_topic_color"]=> string(7) "#e94e52" ["subevent_id"]=> NULL ["subevent_name"]=> NULL ["topic"]=> string(63) "EPIC TechWatch - "Challenges and Solutions from and for Europe"" ["language"]=> string(2) "de" ["date"]=> string(10) "2024-09-26" ["time_start"]=> string(5) "10:00" ["time_end"]=> string(5) "11:30" ["subtitle"]=> string(0) "" ["abstract"]=> string(0) "" ["abbr"]=> string(0) "" ["stage_name"]=> string(13) "en-tech Stage" ["presentation_booking_mode"]=> string(8) "optional" ["is_premium"]=> string(1) "0" ["is_top_keynote"]=> string(1) "0" ["preferences"]=> array(0) { } ["image_url"]=> string(0) "" ["image_last_update"]=> string(0) "" ["sold_out"]=> bool(false) ["booked_percent"]=> int(0) }
EPIC TechWatch - “Challenges and Solutions from and for Europe”
10:00—11:30 Uhr
en-tech Stage
EPIC TechWatch - "Challenges and Solutions from and for Europe"
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EPIC TechWatch - “Challenges and Solutions from and for Europe”
10:05—10:15 Uhr
en-tech Stage
Mike Ivanovski

Mike Ivanovski
COO (Lithuania), i-Photonics

array(30) { ["presentation_id"]=> string(4) "4915" ["stage_id"]=> string(3) "519" ["event_id"]=> string(9) "290742024" ["event_location"]=> NULL ["presentation_type_id"]=> string(3) "487" ["presentation_type_name"]=> string(63) "EPIC TechWatch - "Challenges and Solutions from and for Europe"" ["presentation_type_visible"]=> bool(true) ["main_topic_id"]=> string(3) "500" ["main_topic_name"]=> string(67) "EPIC TechWatch - “Challenges and Solutions from and for Europe”" ["main_topic_color"]=> string(7) "#e94e52" ["subevent_id"]=> NULL ["subevent_name"]=> NULL ["topic"]=> string(3) "tba" ["language"]=> string(2) "en" ["date"]=> string(10) "2024-09-26" ["time_start"]=> string(5) "10:15" ["time_end"]=> string(5) "10:25" ["subtitle"]=> string(0) "" ["abstract"]=> string(0) "" ["abbr"]=> string(0) "" ["stage_name"]=> string(13) "en-tech Stage" ["presentation_booking_mode"]=> string(8) "optional" ["is_premium"]=> string(1) "0" ["is_top_keynote"]=> string(1) "0" ["preferences"]=> array(0) { } ["image_url"]=> string(0) "" ["image_last_update"]=> string(0) "" ["sold_out"]=> bool(false) ["booked_percent"]=> int(0) ["speakers"]=> array(1) { [0]=> array(16) { ["speaker_id"]=> string(3) "486" ["company"]=> string(23) "DELTA OPTICAL THIN FILM" ["title"]=> string(0) "" ["firstname"]=> string(4) "Poul" ["lastname"]=> string(10) "Svensgaard" ["jobtitle"]=> string(13) "CEO (Denmark)" ["email"]=> string(28) "opu@deltaopticalthinfilm.com" ["is_top_speaker"]=> int(0) ["highlight_speaker"]=> string(1) "0" ["photo_url"]=> string(69) "https://portal.fleet-events.de/de/uploads?path=486/profile_xircus.jpg" ["photo_last_update"]=> int(1720433654) ["photo_special_url"]=> string(0) "" ["photo_special_last_update"]=> bool(false) ["photo_credits"]=> string(0) "" ["sort_order"]=> NULL ["sort_char"]=> string(1) "S" } } }
EPIC TechWatch - “Challenges and Solutions from and for Europe”
10:15—10:25 Uhr
en-tech Stage
Poul Svensgaard

Poul Svensgaard

array(30) { ["presentation_id"]=> string(4) "4838" ["stage_id"]=> string(3) "519" ["event_id"]=> string(9) "290742024" ["event_location"]=> NULL ["presentation_type_id"]=> string(3) "486" ["presentation_type_name"]=> string(12) "en-tech.talk" ["presentation_type_visible"]=> bool(true) ["main_topic_id"]=> string(3) "503" ["main_topic_name"]=> string(37) "IVAM - Photonics meet Microtechnology" ["main_topic_color"]=> string(7) "#08af96" ["subevent_id"]=> NULL ["subevent_name"]=> NULL ["topic"]=> string(26) "Microdisplays for AR/VR/MR" ["language"]=> string(2) "en" ["date"]=> string(10) "2024-09-26" ["time_start"]=> string(5) "11:30" ["time_end"]=> string(5) "11:45" ["subtitle"]=> string(0) "" ["abstract"]=> string(0) "" ["abbr"]=> string(0) "" ["stage_name"]=> string(13) "en-tech Stage" ["presentation_booking_mode"]=> string(8) "optional" ["is_premium"]=> string(1) "0" ["is_top_keynote"]=> string(1) "0" ["preferences"]=> array(0) { } ["image_url"]=> string(64) "https://portal.fleet-events.de/de/uploads?path=sessions/4838.jpg" ["image_last_update"]=> int(1718265259) ["sold_out"]=> bool(false) ["booked_percent"]=> int(0) ["speakers"]=> array(1) { [0]=> array(16) { ["speaker_id"]=> string(3) "416" ["company"]=> string(15) "FRAUNHOFER IPMS" ["title"]=> string(0) "" ["firstname"]=> string(3) "Uwe" ["lastname"]=> string(5) "Vogel" ["jobtitle"]=> string(60) "Division Director Microdisplays and Sensors, Deputy Director" ["email"]=> string(28) "uwe.vogel@ipms.fraunhofer.de" ["is_top_speaker"]=> int(0) ["highlight_speaker"]=> string(1) "0" ["photo_url"]=> string(69) "https://portal.fleet-events.de/de/uploads?path=416/profile_xircus.jpg" ["photo_last_update"]=> int(1706529716) ["photo_special_url"]=> string(0) "" ["photo_special_last_update"]=> bool(false) ["photo_credits"]=> string(0) "" ["sort_order"]=> NULL ["sort_char"]=> string(1) "V" } } }
IVAM - Photonics meet Microtechnology
11:30—11:45 Uhr
en-tech Stage
Uwe Vogel
Microdisplays for AR/VR/MR

Uwe Vogel
Division Director Microdisplays and Sensors, Deputy Director, FRAUNHOFER IPMS

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IVAM - Photonics meet Microtechnology
11:45—12:00 Uhr
en-tech Stage
Petter Karlow Herzog
Enabling production of next generation of microfluidics

Petter Karlow Herzog

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IVAM - Photonics meet Microtechnology
12:00—12:15 Uhr
en-tech Stage
Axel Haunholter
Innovative Applications of Fiber and Waveguide Alignment Systems

Axel Haunholter
Area Sales Manager, Optosigma

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IVAM - Photonics meet Microtechnology
12:15—12:30 Uhr
en-tech Stage
David Ilioae
AVIM® and Power Solution: High-power fiber optic connectors for microtechnology

David Ilioae
Vertriebsbauftragter Photonic, Diamond GmbH

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ThZM - Innovative Technologien aus der Präzisionsfertigung
13:30—13:45 Uhr
en-tech Stage
Florian Welzel
Fertigung & Entwicklung  mechanischer Präzisionskomponenten und Präzisionsmesstechnik

Dr. Florian Welzel
, GFE - Gesellschaft für Fertigungstechnik und Entwicklung Schmalkalden e.V.

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ThZM - Innovative Technologien aus der Präzisionsfertigung
13:45—14:00 Uhr
en-tech Stage
Jens Bliedtner
Moderne Polierverfahren für die Bearbeitung von Freiformoptiken

Prof. Dr. Jens Bliedtner
, Ernst-Abbe-Hochschule Jena

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ThZM - Innovative Technologien aus der Präzisionsfertigung
14:00—14:15 Uhr
en-tech Stage
Thomas Seul
Präzision in der Kunststoffverarbeitung – konventionell und additiv – Chancen und Möglichkeiten

Prof. Dr. -Ing. Thomas Seul
Vizepräsident für Forschung und Transfer, Hochschule Schmalkalden | University of Applied Science

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Exhibitor Pitches
14:45—15:45 Uhr
en-tech Stage
Exhibitor Pitches
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