

Day 2 of the W3+ Fair is already in full swing!

Tag 2 auf der W3+ Fair mit Diskussionsrunden unter anderem mit Thomas Reiter,

After yesterday’s cheerful and delicious exhibitor evening at Hofgut Schmitte in Biebertal – accompanied as always by music from the band “Sophisticated Butcher Fingers” – it’s time for networking and fresh knowledge today. To get you in the mood, here are a few impressions from the first day of the fair.

The program on stage remains exciting. After the EPIC TechWatch this morning, we are expecting the new automotive network TeamMit at 1 pm with presentations by Jürgen Pieper, Former Director Research, Senior Advisor Automobiles Bankenhaus Metzler / Today freelance analyst, consultant and futurologist and Prof. Dr. Michael Stephan, Head of the Institute for Technology and Innovation Management, Philipps University Marburg, Managing Director MAFEX, Marburg Institute for Innovation Research and Business Start-up Consulting, member of the Innovation Council of the State of Hesse. The fair is open today until 5 p.m., we look forward to your visit!

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