Successful meeting of future industries at the W3+ Fair 2020 in the optics location Wetzlar/ Germany


A total of about 180 exhibitors as well as partners and sponsors were welcomed together with more than 2800 trade visitors at the international trade fair W3+ Fair in Wetzlar/ Germany on February 26 and 27, 2020. The new accompanying high-tech congress N-Tec Talks was very well received.

Wetzlar/ Germany, 17 March 2020: With around 180 exhibitors and more than 2,800 trade visitors, W3+ 2020 was slightly up on the previous year. 33 percent of the exhibitors came from Central Hessen, 46 percent from other regions of Germany and a further 21 percent from abroad.

The trade fair is appreciated by exhibitors and trade visitors alike because it specializes in industry segments which, as overarching cross-sectional technologies, create the basis for competitive products and solutions. The main focus here is on the user areas of Med Tech, Life Science, Tools & Machinery, Automotive, Aerospace and Consumer Electronics. Consequently, the core topics of optics, photonics, electronics and mechanics were combined for the first time this year under the guiding principle of “Enabling Technologies”. These technologies, either on their own or in combination with other technologies, generate significant leaps in user performance and capabilities.

This approach was also reflected in the newly designed N-Tec Talks programme, in which renowned experts spoke on the key technological topics of medical technology, technology & management and production of the future. The first edition of the N-Tec Talks with 25 specialist presentations and a panel discussion was extremely well received.

Christoph Rénevier, Managing Director of trade fair organiser Fleet Events, draws a positive conclusion about W3+ Wetzlar 2020: “The event format of compact exhibitor space and integrated podium with top-class presentations hits the nerve of the trade visitors. With the focus on “Enabling Technologies” as a new leitmotif and the N-Tec Talks as a projection screen, we see great potential to increase the value of the trade fair for all participants in the future and open it up to new industries.

Next year, the W3+ Fair Wetzlar will take place on Wednesday and Thursday, 24 + 25 February 2021. Already this autumn, the second edition of the W3+ Fair Rhine Valley 2020 will open its doors in the four-country region of Austria, Switzerland, Germany and Liechtenstein on 23 + 24 September 2020 in Dornbirn.

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About the W3+ Fair

The event is the result of an industrial initiative in Wetzlar and Central Hessen that aims to promote networking between the three sectors of optics, electronics and mechanics. New interfaces are to be used to launch forward-looking technologies. The fair took place for the first time in February 2014 in the Rittal Arena in Wetzlar. The W3+ Fair is organised by the Hamburg trade fair organiser FLEET Events ( The name comes from Wetzlar Network ( New is the W3+ Fair Rheintal, which celebrated its premiere in September 2019 in the four-country region of Austria, Switzerland, Liechtenstein and Germany with gold partners EPIC, Swissphotonics and Photonics Austria.

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